There are 12 candidates running for the position of TDSB Trustee for TDSB Ward 14 (Cabbagetown is part of that ward). The date of the by-election is June 20, 2016 from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Find Your Voting Location
List of 12 candidates and contact/social media information
To vote, you will be required to present one piece of ID that shows your name and your Toronto address. The Voter Information Cards cannot be used as ID.
Advance Polls:
The Advance Polls will be held on Saturday June 11 and Sunday June 12, from 10 a.m to 6 p.m. Voting in these polls takes place at Toronto City Hall or the Regent Park Community Centre (402 Shuter) or at TCHC (931 Yonge).
Good luck to all of the candidates!