The CRA helps build Community in our corner of Cabbagetown by focusing on a number of key areas that are of concern to the neighbourhood:
The CRA publishes a monthly newsletter for all members and subscribers, covering items of local news and community interest. The CRA also maintains an active presence on social media via Facebook and Twitter.
From annual fundraisers to address community food insecurity to local park clean-ups, the CRA board likes to put time into addressing social and environmental issues.
Where appropriate the CRA will work to highlight and champion local issues that impact our community. Recent examples include the plans to establish a Pot Shop withing the Wellesley Street residential area and City plans to establish a shelter in the heart of the Cabbagetown business district on Carlton Street.
The CRA maintains regular communications with representatives at the councillors’ office for Ward 13 (and other City departments) covering all sorts of subjects of concern to our residents, including . A lot of these involve development plans such as the revitalization of Regent Park along Gerrard Street and the provision of city services.
The CRA keeps an eye on safety issues in our neighbourhood and maintains a close liaison with Toronto Police 51 Division community policing. Board members also participate in the Community Policing Liaison Committee, bringing police and community together discuss crime and related issues in the area.