On the social side the CRA recently started an annual fundraiser in support of Dixon Hall (a local social services provider) to address food insecurity in the St Jamestown, Cabbagetown Regent Park and Moore Park neighbourhoods. In it’s first year the campaign raised close to $13,000, thanks to the generosity of the Cabbagetown Community.
The CRA also carries out Spring and Fall clean-ups in Riverdale and Wellesley Parks. It’s a great way to help keep our neighbourhood beautiful while engaging our community to make this possible. Somewhat related to this was the CRAs recent successful offer of free “Scoop the Poop” lawn signs to encourage neighbourhood dog owners to pick up after their pets so we don’t get to unwittingly tread in dog poop.
One of our current board members has also recently been nominated as an active Neighbourhood Climate Action Champion and will be be initiating new climate related initiatives in our neighbourhood.
The CRA is actively focused on identifying additional social and environmental issues that it can champion. If you have ideas of initiatives that would fall into one of these categories, please reach out to a board member or email the CRA.