The Cabbagetown Residents
We have particular need for people who like to help co-ordinate community events, book keeping or who have interest liaising with the City of Toronto on issues both local and broad, but there’s always room to pursue other passions that are in residents’ best interests (social, economic or environmental).
If you or someone you know might be a good fit for the role, please contact us. The Nominating Committee will get in touch with each nominee and arrange to meet in person to discuss the role.
Read about the current board of directors here
Read the by-laws governing the nomination process here
A board director is expected to attend monthly business meetings with fellow board directors (although we take a break in the summer, and the December meeting tends to be more social than business). As well, a board director commits to volunteer for our major events, such as the Forsythia Festival on the first Sunday of May. Finally, each board director takes on a portfolio of interest, whether that’s running events, serving as treasurer, attending city meetings, leading environmental initiatives, or working on communications.
Thank you for your consideration, and we hope that you’ll consider joining us.