Local Interest

Issues Local Interest

December 2023

Caroling at 2023 tree lighting

Happy December Cabbagetown!

Holiday season in the neighbourhood kicked off on Saturday with the BIA’s Holiday in the Patch event, and with the tree lighting ceremony at Riverdale Farm in the evening. It won’t be long until the snow arrives and we start to see toboggans on the hill again.


Holiday Lights Contest

Every December Cabbagetowners get to see our neighbourhood’s houses in all of their illuminated glory. This year, we are joining with our friends in the Cabbagetown South Residents’ Association to run Holiday Lights Contest for the entirety of the Cabbagetown neighbourhood! 

You can enter your own home or nominate one of your neighbours. 

There are three ways you can enter:

– Post a photo to Twitter or Instagram with the hashtag #cabbagetownlights;

– Post a photo to the CRA Facebook page with the hashtag #cabbagetownlights;

– or email us your photo at info@cabbagetowner.com or info@cabbagetownsouth.ca.

Please include the address of the home in the photo so we can include the street name on the voting website and know how to contact the residents if their house wins.

Photos can be submitted anytime between Monday, December 4 and Tuesday, December 26. By submitting your photo, you consent to your photo being reproduced on a voting website that will contain all of the submissions. Photos will be identified by the house’s street but no names or other personal identifying details will be published. 

The voting website will go live on Monday, December 18 to not give too much of an advantage to those who submit early. However, don’t wait too long to enter! The link to the voting website will be shared on Cabbagetowner.com, cabbagetownsouth.com, and social media when it is live.

Whichever three photo submissions have the most votes by the end of the day on December 26 wins a one-year membership to their respective Residents Association, and bragging rights! The top three vote-getting houses will get to display a lawn sign marking their achievement.

We will also be tallying up the most voted-for street, which will be given a special award for being such a hotbed of decorative holiday spirit!

Only one vote will be allowed per IP address; however, you can switch your vote anytime up until the deadline.

Toy Drive with 51 Division

Toronto Police 51 Division is holding a toy drive. New, unwrapped toys can be dropped off at 51 Parliament Street.


Cavalcade of Lights

The Cavalcade of Lights is back at City hall this year, on until January 7th.

Experience the magic of the holiday season with the much-loved Cavalcade of Lights presented by Desjardins Financial Group at Nathan Phillips Square(opens in new window). Inspired by international lantern, fire and light festivals and winter solstice celebrations, Cavalcade of Lights is a free event that transforms City Hall and its surrounds into a dazzling wonderland.

Enjoy the glittering tree, participate in public skating and bask in the glow of thousands of energy-efficient bulbs as they adorn the heart of downtown Toronto. 


Tents in Wellesley Park

After numerous emails to our local councillor’s office, the police non-emergency line and 311 from concerned local residents, the tents that were in Wellesley Park have been mostly removed, and the residents relocated to safer, and warmer locations. 

Outdoor rinks are open

Our local outdoor skating rinks are open for the winter season.  Closest to Cabbagetown are the rinks in Regent Park and Riverdale Park East.  Check out the city website for more details.

City Surveys

Last week the City of Toronto held a series of online public meetings to gather feedback that will inform recommendations for revised standards of accessible parking and bicycle parking in the city-wide Zoning By-law (569-2013).

The City is also collecting feedback through online surveys, which will be open until December 15, 2023:

Accessible Parking Survey:


Bicycle Parking Survey: https://s.cotsurvey.chkmkt.com/BicycleParkingSurvey

Events In The News Local Interest Polls Uncategorized

February 2023

Winter sunset in Cabbagetown


Happy February Neighbours!

This picture was taken about a year ago – Cabbagetown looks a bit similar this February, but maybe slightly less snow!

City of Toronto Parks and Rec registration

If you are looking forward to spring, a heads up that the city’s Parks and Rec program registration for East York is taking place on March 8. 

Bill 23 Survey

The Federation of South Toronto Residents Association (FoRSTRA) is asking for feedback on Bill 23. They have endorsed a survey and are asking for feedback. The survey can be accessed here, and is open until February 28.

Gerrard Street East Project Update

The road reconstruction planned for Gerrard between Sherbourne and Parliament has been delayed until 2024.

Howland Theatre showing of Prodigal

Howland Theatre is premiering Prodigal at nearby Crow’s Theatre from February 21st – March 12th and they’re offering general admission tickets for $30, using the promo code LESLIEVILLE. 


Young Urban Forest Leaders

LEAF is excited to announce that applications for the 2023 YUFL Program are now open! The YUFL Program is a free, online and in-person training opportunity designed to provide valuable skills in urban forestry and community engagement to 20 young Toronto people (ages 18 to 29) over four months (end-of-April to end-of-August). Through this program, participants will build connections across Toronto communities, grow their confidence as a leader and network with industry leaders.

Applications close March 21, 2023.


Events Local Interest

July 2022


Hello Neighbours!

June and July have been busy months in Cabbagetown! The CRA held our Annual General Meeting, the Farmers Market started up again and we have a park on Parliament Street!

CRA Annual General Meeting

The Cabbagetown Residents Association held our Annual General Meeting on Monday, June 20 via Zoom. You can view the presentation and the minutes here. Newly elected MPP Kristyn Wong-Tam was in attendance and shared plans for the Cabbagetown Parkscape, which has now been installed on Parliament Street.


Cabbagetown Parkscape

The Cabbagetown BIA has arranged for a very neat parkscape installation on Parliament Street, between Winchester and Carlton.  The park will be there until September 11th, and is already a hit with the kids! There will also be live music happening most Wednesdays and Sundays throughout the summer in the parkscape. There will also be pop-up markets all summer from local Cabbagetown BIA businesses. Thank you to the Cabbagetown BIA for organizing!


Farmers Market

Farmers Market Cheese

The market is back! Located in Riverdale Park West, every Tuesday from 3-7pm. Come for the veggies and cheese, and enjoy this great local resource.


Keep Cool in a Pool

The City of Toronto has announced that outdoor pools are now open, just in time for summer. Fifty-four outdoor pools and 85 wading pools are open daily until Labour Day. More than 90 splash and spray pads have been open since the Victoria Day weekend for fun and heat relief and will remain open until Sunday, September 18. During summer, approximately 1,000 lifeguards supervise beaches, as well as outdoor and indoor pools, and 300 staff supervise wading pools. Check it out at www.toronto.ca/swim.


New Restaurants

There are a couple of new places to eat in Cabbagetown.  L’Avenue Restaurant has just opened at the corner of Parliament and Amelia Street. And the Golden Pigeon Beer Hall (where the Tilted Dog used to be) looks like it is gearing up to open soon.


Gerrard Street East Project

The City of Toronto is proposing changes on Gerrard Street East between Sherbourne Street and Parliament Street. The City is also exploring changes to Gerrard Street East between Parliament Street and Blackburn Street, as part of the on-going redevelopment of Regent Park. You can read more about it here.


Reminder – Wellesley Park

We’ve had a request to remind dog owners that Wellesley Park is not an off-leash park. Homeowners in the area have noticed an increase in dogs running off leash in the park. Owners who want to have their dogs off leash can head to Riverdale Park West, south of the farm.


Outdoor Movies in Corktown Commons

Toronto Outdoor Picture Show is bringing movies to Corktown Commons every Thursday is July. Bring a chair and popcorn!


CPA Walk

The Cabbagetown Preservation Association is planning on another historical on Sunday July 17, 10 am.  Just join the group at the Cabbagetown People directory board just inside the gates at Riverdale Park (Sumach and Winchester).  It’s free!

Crime Prevention In The News Issues Local Interest Safety and Security Schools and Children

City/Local News Round-Up January 2022

Dear Cabbagetowners,

Happy New Year! We hope our first newsletter of 2022 finds you and your family happy, healthy and hopefully having dug out of the 55 cms of snow we received earlier this month.

As the city continues to deal with snow removal from the storm, we encourage everyone to do their part and shovel their sidewalks and walkways, and check on neighbours who may need assistance.

Winter sunset in Cabbagetown

We hope you enjoy this latest newsletter. As ever, if you have comments to share, feel free to email us at info@cabbagetowner.com.




In this issue:

  • Addressing Food Insecurity in our community
  • Winners of our 2021 Holiday Lights contest
  • The Wink at Winchester is up and running
  • Toronto’s 311 Mobile App
  • UrbanHensTO is looking for feedback
  • Crime Prevention Tips and Contacts
  • Cabbagetown BIA Update

Addressing Food Insecurity

Lack of food security continues to be a major source of concern in our community.  The local resident’s association, along with the Cabbagetown Preservation Association, are once again partnering with Dixon Hall in the Neighbours Helping Neighbours campaign. 

Holiday Lights contest winners

Congrats to our 2021 Holiday Lights winner!

First Place – Wellesley 2

Second Place – Sackville 2

Third Place – a tie between Sackville 1 and Amelia 1

Thanks to everyone who voted and to our winners, who received a one-year membership to the CRA and a $50 donation to their charity of choice!

Snowman and holiday lights on Wellesley street
First place – Wellesley 2
House on Sackville street decorated with holiday lights
Second Place – Sackville 2
White and coloured holiday lights on Amelia Street
Third Place – Amelia 1
White lights and lit up reindeer on Sackville Street
Third Place – Sackville 1




The Wink at Winchester is Up and Running!

The cold weather has made for perfect skating conditions for the second season of The Wink, our the community-built skating rink at Winchester Park! You can book your time at online. Children 6 and under must wear a CAS approved helmet, and anyone on the ice must wear skates. Be sure to follow The Wink via their Facebook page for updated hours of operation and rink conditions. There was also a cool shout out to The Wink is Toronto Life.

Last year The Wink ran a skate donation drive and collected around 50 pairs of used skates. Those skates have been tuned up and sharpened thanks to financial donations received from Royal St.George’s College Community and the Cabbagetown Residents Associaton. The Wink will be hosting a “Skate it Forward” event on Saturday February 5th at Winchester Park from 11am-3pm, or until they run out of skates! Kids and adults who could use a hand gaining access to skates are invited to come and find a pair to take home – for keeps! The Wink is not accepting anymore donations for skates this year.

A million thanks to Trish Finkelstein for her organization, and the generous contributions made by Mark Michelin at Steak & Chops, Bill Renieri at Home Hardware, Carolyn Jarman and Family, the Royal St.Georges’ Community, Just Hockey Source for Sports, the Cabbagetown Residents Association and the many neighbourhood volunteers who make building, running and maintaining the rink possible.  

Outdoor ice rink






Toronto’s 311 Mobile App

See a pothole? Want to report that pothole and then track the City’s response? The new 311 mobile app will allow you to do just that and much more.


UrbanHensTO is looking for feedback

What came first: the chicken or the egg? And while you’re thinking about that, take a few minutes to also let the #CityofTO know what you think about #Toronto’s #UrbanHensTO program. Take the survey by Feb 11, available at toronto.ca/UrbanHensTO.




Crime Prevention Tips and Tricks

Earlier this month at the Community Police Liaison Committee meeting, Sergeant Henry Dyck shared a great presentation on crime prevention. Our Neighbourhood Community Officers contacts are below:

MossPark@torontopolice.on.ca                                                                                      St.Jamestown@torontopolice.on.ca  (includes Cabbagetown)                                                   RegentPark@torontopolice.on.ca

Cabbagetown BIA update

Our local BIA recently held a community consultation about the Cabbagetown StreetScape Master Plan. To view a recording of the meeting, and see the plan, click here.

Issues Local Interest

Food Insecurity Fundraiser 2022

Posted on January 22, 2022


A Message From Your Cabbagetown Associations


Dear Neighbour,

Last winter we launched a fundraiser and the Cabbagetown community stepped up BIG TIME! Together we raised over $13,000 to help Dixon Hall tackle neighbourhood food insecurity.

One year later, the issue remains very much front and centre. In response, the Residents’ Associations across Cabbagetown, along with the Cabbagetown Preservation Association, are re-launching this  fundraising initiative.

The Neighbours Helping Neighbours campaign asks our generous and caring community to help us raise much needed funds.

Dixon Hall, is a neighbourhood services provider located in the heart of Cabbagetown. They manage most of our local rooming houses and have done much to improve the lives of tenants. They also serve clients in supported housing across St. Jamestown, Regent Park and other areas in the Downtown East.

By directing donations to the Dixon Hall fundraising platform we can ensure all the monies raised get used for front line support services, plus tax receipts can be issued for donations of $10 and over. 



Please select “Food Insecurity” in the ‘Donation Designation’ field and add “2022 Fundraiser” in the Tribute box, to ensure your donation is directed to this cause. 


Thank you for your support. Together we can ensure that all members of our community have regular access to healthy, nutritious food.


Victoria Hadden – Chair AARG
Dee Lewis – President WPRA
Karen Marren – President CSRA
Gale Moore – Chair CPA
Sean O’Donovan
– Acting Chair CRA

In The News Local Business News Local Interest Schools and Children

City/Local News Round-Up – Dec. 11


Hello All, 

Seasons greetings from the CRA team. We hope you all have a wonderful holiday season and a very Happy New Year.

Your friends at the CRA




Holiday card contest winnersWell, the ever popular CRA holiday card contest has wrapped up for another year and the results are in for everyone to enjoy.

Thanks to all the children at both Winchester and Sprucecourt Schools for participating so enthusiastically as well as to our organizers and, of course, to our dedicated and diligent judges.

Each of the winning entries has been made into holiday cards, which will be printed and distributed to CRA member households within the CRA boundary (Gerrard, Parliament, St. James Cemetery and the Don River).




Yes, it’s back for 2021 and we’re ready to receive your photos for posting to the voting portal, so we encourage you all to light up your front gardens to bring some extra festive cheer to Cabbagetown.

Find out all you need to know about how to enter and win!

Just want to vote? Here’s the link to the voting portal.




Dixon Hall logoThis just in from Dixon Hall:

We thank all out volunteers for helping out with our Meals on Wheels (MOW) program in the past. With their help, we have been able to continue to bring comfort to those experiencing food insecurity and isolation during such challenging times.  
Due to the pandemic and its continued restrictions, we are currently experiencing a shortage of volunteers for this upcoming holiday season. We are asking for your help once again. 
If you are able to offer your time with the MOW program this year, and help deliver essential meals to seniors and people with disabilities in the community, please complete this volunteer registration form. 




suppli logoAs a signed up user, I received a message from Julianna at Suppli, a Cabbagetown organization who believes that together we can make single-use takeout containers a thing of the past:

As the giving season is upon us we want to thank you for being a part of this journey and ask for your help! Together with you and others from our amazing community, we’ve saved over 17,000 (and counting!) single-use containers from landfills and generated tens of thousands in additional revenue for east-end restaurants. Wild!

We’re trying to get the word out about Suppli and figured we’d start by asking our existing community members to refer a friend! 

Already a user? Please spread the word. Not a user? Sign up now and if you indicate you were referred by a friend (at the CRA!), they’ll donate $1 to Second Harvest.




fireworksToronto’s New Year’s Eve fireworks display is returning to the sky for the first time since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic but it is going to look a little different as the city works to limit crowds.

Mayor John Tory announced on Wednesday that there will be a “10-minute, high-altitude fireworks display” to ring in 2022, reports Chris Fox at CP24/CTV News.




TORONTO LOGOThe City of Toronto encourages residents to “recycle right” and reduce the amount of waste that they generate during the holidays.

Every year, the City manages more than 900,000 tonnes (two billion pounds) of waste. This requires money, energy and resources, and takes up valuable landfill space. The holiday season in particular can create a large amount of waste. The most effective way to reduce the amount of waste that ends up in landfill is to practice the 3Rs – reduce, reuse and recycle right. Small changes can make a big impact.



team toronto kids logoTeam Toronto and Toronto Kids Vaccine Day partners are ready for action! The team will be welcoming nearly two thousand of the city’s youngest public-health superheroes to Scotiabank Arena to get their COVID-19 vaccine surrounded kid-friendly activities, entertainment, ticket and toy giveaways and special Toronto mascot and PAW Patrol visitors.

Toronto Kids Vaccine Day is taking place this Sunday, December 12 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Appointments are needed and some appointments are still available by calling the provincial vaccine booking line at 1-833-943-3900 or through the Province of Ontario’s How to book a COVID-19 vaccine appointment. 




Heather over at Green Thumbs Growing Kids asked us to share their latest newsletter highlighting efforts to provide environmental stewardship through hands-on garden and food education for urban children and their communities. 






Live green news logoAnd here’s a bumper year-end round-up from our friends over at Live Green Toronto.




Local Interest Schools and Children

Final Results – CRA 2021 Holiday Card Contest

Posted on December 11, 2021


We’re so happy to welcome Winchester School back to the Holiday Card Contest after a brief hiatus, re-joining Sprucecourt for a bit of festive fun for the kids.

After much deliberation, the judges have selected a primary and junior winner from each school along with 2 runners-up. All 8 artists will receive a CRA ribbon. Each of the winners’ classes will get a Pizza Party Prize from the CRA too!

For Sprucecourt:

The Winners are:

  • Sanika in Grade 3
  • Sara in Grade 8

Runners up are: Beatrix in Grade 3 and Raisha in Grade 7

For Winchester :

The Winners are:

  • Louisa in Grade 3
  • Jaxen, Amari, Leo & Ella in Grade 7

Runners up are: Alyssa in Grade 3 and Evan in Grade 4

Holiday Card contest winning card
Sanika’s winning entry

All the winning artwork will be framed and put on display over the holidays at Epicure on Parliament Street.

Holiday Card contest winning card
Sara’s Winning Entry


Many thanks to CRA Member Lindsay Matheson, and CRA Board Members Lise Flynn and Katie Tozer for managing this years competition. And thanks, of course, to our three invaluable judges, Betty White, Cynthia Eldridge and Sarah Birnie , for working so diligently to select the winners.

Holiday Card contest winning card
Louisa’s winning entry


Betty White is a professional artist and art teacher. She taught art to children for 28 years and continues to teach children in her Cabbagetown home since retirement.

Cynthia Eldridge is an art history major who uses design thinking to work with global thought leaders to address critical public health challenges.  She believes whole heartedly that a picture is worth a thousand words.

Sarah Birnie is an Interior Designer living in Cabbagetown with her husband, 2 girls and golden retriever. She believes all of us benefit from finding our own creative outlet!

Holiday Card contest winning card
Jaxen, Amari, Leo and Ella’s winning entry

Each of the winning entries has been made into holiday cards, which will be printed and distributed to CRA member households within the CRA boundary (Gerrard, Parliament, St. James Cemetery and the Don River).


Film Shoots Local Interest

City/Local News Round-up – November 20



Pumpkin Walk a Success

Thanks to the CRA volunteers for organizing it and to all of you that came out to enjoy the Pumpkin Walk  on 1st November. It was great to see so many neighbours and friends out there, enjoying the spectacle.


 2021 Holiday Lights Competition

Yes, it’s back for 2021! We encourage you all to light up your front gardens to bring some extra festive cheer to Cabbagetown. Find out all you need to know about how to enter and win!


2021 Holiday Cards Competition

This festive favourite is back too and we’re delighted to welcome Winchester School back to the competition after a short hiatus. So kids, get your creative juices flowing and see what you can come up with!




Film CameraAs you probably know, Sinking Ship Productions is currently filming a series called Jubilee in Cabbagetown, mostly located around the Coop at the corner of Winchester and Metcalfe. As a gesture of thanks to our community for the disruption filming can cause, they have already made several donations to local concerns, including a $2,500 donation to Sprucecourt School for their food program.

Over the last few weeks the CRA has been in discussions with the Location Manager, Dason Johnson, to see what more they could do to ‘give back’ to the community. We are delighted to announce that they have well and truly stepped-up to this by committing an additional $15,000 to be shared across several local organizations. 

The CRA, in consultation with various local parties has identified the following organizations as recipients of these funds, with a heavy emphasis on helping address food insecurity in the neighbourhood:

Winchester School food program: $2,500 
Dixon Hall: $5,000
Building Roots: $1,500
Cabbagetown Youth Club/Kiwanis: $4,500
St Luke’s Church: $500
Riverdale Farm: $500
Children’s Book Bank: $500

On behalf of the community, we would like to thank Dason and the Production team at Sinking Ship for this extremely generous donation.

About Jubilee

Jubilee is produced  in partnership with Apple TV+ and The Jane Goodall Institute. It follows Jane, a precocious 10 year old inspired by her namesake Jane Goodall to protect the environment, endangered species and ultimately those around her. Each episode centers around Jane embarking on an adventure with different endangered species from Giant Bats to Polar Bears, Blue Whales and Rhinos!

Jane uses her fertile imagination to see these animals in the real world and together with her best friend, David, and her stuffed animal chimpanzee come to life, Greybeard – inspired by the first chimp who befriended Jane Goodall at Gombe – they embark on adventures in and around their neighborhood. During these adventures they learn important lessons about threats to at risk animals and about the ways humans can help. They also discover ways to conserve local species and environments through their interactions with their neighbours. Each episode ends with a lesson being imparted that echoes the theme of the series; “Every individual matters. Every individual has a role to play. Every individual makes a difference.” The ultimate aim in creating this show is to offer hope, inspiration and a way forward for children, parents and everyone else in the fight to combat climate change, environmental destruction and species extinctions.



Local Interest


Posted on November 14, 2021


It’s the most wonderful time of the year: which means the annual Cabbagetown Holiday Lights contest is back for the SEVENTH year running!

In what has become a popular annual tradition, every December Cabbagetowners get to see our neighbourhood’s houses in all their illuminated glory.

You can enter your own home or nominate one of your neighbours. There are three ways you can enter:

1. Post a photo to Twitter with the hashtag #cabbagetownlights;

2. Post a photo to our Facebook page timeline with the hashtag #cabbagetownlights;

3. Simply email us your photo to info@cabbagetowner.com 

Please include the address of the home in the photo so we can include the street name on the voting website and know how to contact the residents if their house wins.

Photos can be submitted anytime between Wednesday December 1st and Sunday December 26.

By submitting your photo, you consent to your photo being reproduced on a voting website that will contain all of the submissions. Photos will be identified by the house’s street only and no names or other personal identifying details will be published. 

This year the three photo submissions that have the most votes by the end of the day on December 26 will each win:

  • A lawn sign marking their achievement.
  • A one-year membership to CRA
  • PLUS – A $50 donation to their charity of choice c/o the CRA 

and bragging rights, of course! 

NOTE: For the purpose of determining resident winners, when the same house is photographed more than once, total votes will be counted. Only one vote will be allowed per IP address; however, you can switch your vote anytime up until the deadline.

In The News Local Business News Local Interest

City/Local News Round-up – Oct 9 – 22


Hello Valued Readers,

You probably noticed that we’ve made various changes the cadence of the CRA newsletter over the last year or so, in response to the cataclysmic events we’ve all been working through together. Moving the newsletter from monthly to weekly throughout 2020 and into mid 2021, then back to bi-weekly a few months ago. As things continue to settle down (hopefully) we’ve decided to move back to our normal monthly publication from this issue onwards.

Thank you for supporting the CRA and for subscribing to and reading the newsletter so consistently. As ever, if there is anything you would like to see us cover, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us by email at: info@cabbagetowner.com.



(Thanks to Doug Fisher at Cabbagetown Neighbourhood Review for this article)

A crew is going door-to-door through the neighbourhood offering to restore patios – and possibly do other projects as well.  They’re rip-off artists.  Stephen Armstrong from Wellesley and Sumach has sent us a caution about them. His wife was intimidated and his neighbours were cheated out of $3,000.  It’s an old scam.  




Pumpkin Walk Poster Cabbagetown’s beloved Pumpkin Walk will once again be happening in Riverdale Park West (Sumach and Winchester entrance), on November 1 from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m.

We invite all Cabbagetown Residents to ring their Pumpkins over and, of course, feel free to dress up appropriately for the occasion!

As we have done in previous years, we’ll also be hosting a food drive,  this year it’s for local service provider Dixon Hall , so please bring some non-perishable foods to donate as well.

All the Pumpkins will be recycled by the City of Toronto.




No poop signs

Been meaning to email us to get your very own scoop your poop sign but haven’t quite get round to it yet? Well, we have a dozen or so left from our initial print run – so it’s now or never. 

We created these free lawn signs to provide a gentle reminder to dog owners that perhaps forget to stoop and scoop their lovable pooches poop.

If you’d like one to display in your front garden please email us at info@cabbagetowner.com, indicating your preference for design A or B.




They’ve become popular fixtures during the pandemic: those expanded patios dotting sidewalks and curb lanes, spilling into city streets. They’re all part of the city’s CaféTO program — initially expected to be a temporary help to the city’s struggling restaurants. Now business owners and city residents say they’re thrilled these outdoor spaces could become a permanent part of the city — though they do have a few suggestions for improvements. Update from the Toronto Star.




Film CameraFilm production continues at the Coop on the corner of Winchester and Metcalfe next week (see below). For those of you that don’t know, Jubilee is an education series about a young girl whose idol is Jane Goodall. From the series web site:
“Jubilee follows Jane Garcia, a 10-year-old girl with an active imagination. Through pretend play, Jane and her trusty teammates work to protect an endangered animal in each mission-driven episode because, according to her idol: “Only if we understand, will we care. Only if we care, will we help. Only if we help, can they be saved.”

The production is creating a bit of disruption in the neighbourhood, as usual, but it’s good to see that it’s squarely aimed at developing strong educational content for kids.

The CRA is in talks with the production company to see if we can get further donations for local charities/concerns, to serve as compensation to local residents for the inconvenience caused. 

Filming Location(s) & Times: 77 WINCHESTER ST
FILMING – Start Date Time: Oct-25 07:00, To: Oct-28 23:00
PREP – Start Date Time: Oct-25 07:00, To: Oct-25 23:00
WEATHER, Start Date Time: Oct-29 07:00, To: Oct-29 23:00




QR Code and phoneThe Ontario government has now made the enhanced vaccine certificate with official QR code (and the free, made-in Ontario verification app, Verify Ontario), available for download. Together, these tools will make it easier, more secure and convenient for individuals to provide proof of vaccination where required to do so, and for businesses and organizations to verify vaccine certificates while protecting people’s privacy.




PLANE SILHOUETTECanada’s new proof of vaccination program for domestic and international travel has been unveiled and it is very similar to what some provinces are already using. The new pan-Canadian vaccine passport will be issued through the provinces and territories, as they have access to the immunization records.

The federal government says it has been working closely with the provinces and territories for some time on how to ensure the system is as easy to access as possible. Update by Clair Fenton from City News.




The Canadian government has quietly lifted its advisory against non-essential international travel, marking the first time since March 2020 that the notice has been lifted.  

A travel notice on the Government of Canada website had been advising travelers against all non-essential international travel, but is now replaced with a notice urging all travelers to be fully vaccinated before a trip, reports Ben Cousins at CTV News.







Yesterday, the Province announced a plan to safely reopen and manage COVID long term and provided details about the provincial plan to gradually lift COVID-19 safety measures:  The City of Toronto welcomes the reopening plan and is prepared to support reopening activities, including the lifting of COVID-19 capacity limits in a number of settings as of next Monday, October 25.



Team Toronto continues to prepare for the vaccination of five to 11 year-old children in Toronto as soon as the vaccines are approved for use by Health Canada, and guidance is received by the National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI) and the Province of Ontario. Partners from across the City have come together to develop a multi-pronged strategy to reach the more than 200,000 Toronto children, along with education and engagement opportunities with their parents and guardians in the coming weeks.



Toronto Public Health (TPH) is kicking off the City of Toronto’s annual flu vaccination campaign this week by bringing vaccine to those who are at increased risk of serious illness. Starting this week, TPH is collaborating with Inner City Health Associates (ICHA) to start offering the flu vaccination to homeless and under-housed individuals in shelters and drop-in settings to protect some of our city’s most vulnerable residents.



Live Green Toronto is excited to present the 11th episode in the LiveGreen@Home Workshop Series in collaboration with Nepali Momo and Ontario Garlic Week.



Planned construction of a new, permanent two-way cycle track along The Esplanade and Mill Street in Toronto officially began on Sunday, October 17.

The new bikeway will help improve overall road safety for the surrounding communities, support transit use, and grow Toronto’s cycling network in three of the city’s heritage neighbourhoods (Canary and Distillery Districts and St. Lawrence Market area).



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