It’s that time of year again when the on-peak and mid-peak hours change for Time Of Use (TOU) rates for Toronto Hydro Electricity. Starting May 1, the peak period (where electricity rates are at their most expensive) will be weekdays from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. I find these illustrations helpful for remembering when the rates change, and how much (approximately) it will cost for various activities.
This Time Of Use guide is helpful also if you’d like something to print out (.pdf /
3 replies on “Toronto Hydro Time of Use Rates – Summer Rates Start May 1, 2016”
I do not believe our meter readings. On vacation for two months, with no TV, no washer/dryer use, no dishwasher use, no charging computers or other battery powered appliances, refrigerator turned lower, guess what. Our consumption was the same as when we’re here. When asked, Hydro basically told us it’s not their problem.
Hi Rick. I apologize for the late response – I was away for a few days, and my *mobile technology solution* allowed me to read your post but I couldn’t reply!
That sounds frustrating. Are you using their online system to view your usage? Perhaps it would be worth it to note the reading on the meter outside and then conduct a one day (or few hours) experiment to see whether the meter is accurately reading your usage in case it’s an issue with transmission of the data to Toronto Hydro. I’m not sure how your property is set up, but also check to make sure that your meter is measuring *your* usage (there were some instances in the past where meters for different properties close together were misconfigured and neighbours were paying neighbours bills…and not to be nice!).
I would also recommend taking advantage of their Customer Liaison and if not successful, with the Ontario Energy Board (their information available at: My understanding is that due to several incidents a few years ago where legitimate customer complaints were not appropriately handled (especially when the new smart meters were being rolled out), escalations via this process are treated seriously.
Same with me. I was out of the country for 3 months. Everything was switched off including fridge and hot tank. I was charged much more than I normally pay. When I asked my superintendent , he just laughed in my face . Is it there any way to control how much I consume?