Tree Canopy

Local Interest Schools and Children Tree Canopy

City releases final plan for Riverdale Park West wading pool

Following public consultations, plans are now finalized for the new wading pool at Riverdale Park West in Cabbagetown.

Based on feedback received at the community consultation:

* All paths are now concrete – no asphalt
* The extent of paving has been reduced to meet accessibility requirements, and to maximize grassy area
* Benches are upgraded to Ipe wood slats
* The organic /irregular shape of wading pool has been used – provides more shallow water area
* No Muskoka chairs, no tables with umbrellas.

The city Parks Department will be issuing construction documents for bidding the week of Feb. 5 to 9.

Work will begin in mid September 2018, after wading pool season is over, and is expected to take eight to 10 weeks, with additional landscaping in spring 2019. The wading pool will re-open in time for the regular 2019 season.

Read the full report.

Did You Know...? Local Interest Tree Canopy

Did you know…you can have a LEAF arborist visit your yard virtually?

Cabbagetowners have told us that the tree canopy in the neighbourhood is important, and that’s why we support worthwhile organizations such as Cabbagetown ReLEAF ( and LEAF (

We noticed an article in The Bulletin ( describing a new program by LEAF that might be of interest to residents. From the article:

With the support of The Regional Municipality of York and the City of Toronto, LEAF is launching a new, subsidized Do-It-Yourself Tree Planting Program that offers personalized advice from an arborist through a virtual consultation.

The new Do-It-Yourself program gives trees the best chance to thrive by providing residents with:

– a 20-minute virtual consultation with a LEAF arborist to choose appropriate species and location
– 5 to 8 foot tall native tree (2 to 4 foot tall native evergreen tree)
– Delivery to your door
– a tree care guide
– Follow-up tree care advice by email/phone

Read more about this new program… (

Events Issues Local Interest Programs Tree Canopy

LEAF tree planting program and native shrub bundles

We have heard from our community that the tree canopy and green initiatives are important. One of the organizations in the city doing great work in this area is LEAF ( Here is some information they asked us to pass along regarding their tree planting program and native shrub bundles.

LEAF’s subsidized Backyard Tree Planting Program helps you get the right tree in the right place. For approximately $150 to $220 per tree you will get a site consultation in your yard with an arborist, a five to eight foot tall tree (or two to four feet tall for evergreen trees) and full planting service. LEAF also has a Do-It-Yourself option, for those who like to get their hands dirty! For more information visit LEAF.

This spring, beautify your yard with a LEAF Native Shrub Bundle.


Native Bee – pre-determined shrubs designed to provide habitat and food for native bees year round
Edible – shrubs of your choice to best suit your taste buds


Four lovely native shrubs for the price of three
Free delivery right to your door
Specific shrub fact sheet to help acheive your garden goals
Mulch and an illustrated planting and care guide

Supplies are limited, and bundles are available on a first-come, first-served basis. To order visit LEAF.

Upcoming Events
For event details, visit the LEAF website.

March 18, 2017
Information Session – Adopt-a-Park-Tree and Young Urban Forest Leaders Programs
10:00am – 12:00pm | Metro Hall (Room 308)

April 27, 2017
Training – Toronto Volunteer Orientation
6:00pm – 7:30pm | Lillian H. Smith Library (Auditorium BC)

May 9, 2017
Multi-Day Course: Tree Tenders Volunteer Training Program
Class dates: May 9th, May 11th May 13th & May 16th | St Mathew’s Club House, Riverdale Park East

May 28, 2017
Workshop: Drawing Native Plants with Alan Li
1:00 to 4:00 pm | LEAF Learning Garden, Artscape Wychwood Barns

Did You Know...? Tree Canopy

Did You Know…The New Parkettes’ Tree Pits Are Porous?

We have had some inquiries about the “tree pits” around the trees planted in the new parkettes at Spruce and Parliament Streets and Amelia and Parliament Streets. Our friends at the BIA spoke with the designers, city and construction staff and asked about them. The material *is* porous to allow water through and there will be a cut out around the base of each trunk of a few inches to allow the tree some room to expand (the cut out will be filled with some small gravel).

The workers first fill all the way to the trunk and let it harden before cutting away which ensures a cleaner cut. Also the pits that have the higher mounds (Amelia and Parliament) are to protect the exposed roots. The only other way would have to been to cut the roots to keep the surface flat, but that would harm the tree so they decided to go “up and over” with the mound so that the tree stays intact. Prior to the project beginning, the city sent an arborist out to confirm that this treatment would not be detrimental to the health of the tree.

Here are some pictures taken by local residents if you have no idea what we’re referring to!
Encased Tree

Parkette Tree Parliament and Spruce Streets

Some people have inquired about whether there will be room for the “Christmas Tree Lot” ( at Spruce and Parliament Streets (there will be (

There have also been questions around whether seating areas should have been included in the parkette designs (some residents for, some residents against) – expect more to come.

Events Tree Canopy

Tree For Me – Free Tree and Planting and Care Demo: May 28, 2016

If you were at the Forsythia Festival this past weekend, you hopefully got to chat with our friends at the Cabbagetown ReLEAF tent. One of the events they were promoting is coming up on May 28, 2016 at Riverdale Park East where residents take part in a planting and care demonstration and receive a free tree suited to your particular property.

Tree For Me
Toronto Parks and Trees Foundation wants to match you with the right tree for your property—in just three easy steps.

We are offering you a local tree, grown from tree seeds that were collected in Toronto. True Toronto trees—how better to renew our urban forest.

Sign up to determine the best tree for your property and register to pick your tree up on May 28th. Tree for Me is a partnership between Toronto Parks and Trees Foundation and the City of Toronto.

Read more about Tree For Me (

Tree For Me Logo

Events Tree Canopy

The Great Toronto Tree Hunt – For Tree Lovers and Photographers

We’ve got a lot of “tree-huggers” in the neighbourhood (they ARE very cuddly) who might be interested in this new competition. Our friends at Cabbagetown ReLEAF alerted us to a competition being held by “LEAF” to find and celebrate the greatest trees in our city.

Take a photo of a great tree (or trees…you can enter multiple times) and write a brief description of why you think it’s great and then upload to their website where it will be voted on and judged. A cash prize of $250 will be awarded to each winner in the 5 categories.

Nominations: April 22 – May 31, 2015.
Public voting: June 1 – 15, 2015.
Winners announced: June 23, 2015.

To learn more, and to read rules, judging criteria etc., visit their website at:

Good luck!

Events Issues Tree Canopy

Tree Advocates From Cabbagetown And Beyond At Feb. 26th Community Meeting

The hard-working people at Cabbagetown ReLEAF organized the long-anticipated community meeting to present the 20 Year Cabbagetown Urban Forest Management Plan on Feb. 26, 2015 at the Miles & Kelly Nadal Youth Centre (aka The K Club on Spruce St.) and approximately 60 tree advocates from Cabbagetown and beyond attended.

Photos of the event are available on ReLEAF’s website.

According to our Residents Survey and comments we’ve received over time, the tree canopy in Cabbagetown is one of the most important issues on the minds of Cabbagetowners and we’re happy to help support Cabbagetown ReLEAF.

Issues Local Interest Tree Canopy

Interested in becoming a Park Ranger?

An interesting project has been going on in the city’s west end for a couple of years whereby a group of volunteer “Homegrown Park Rangers” have been greening a corridor along the path of the former Garrison Creek.

Although it’s not operating in our area (yet), they are looking for volunteers from outside of the area that are willing to learn about the program and perhaps expand the project. Deadline February 9, 2015.

More details available:
Description of project
Volunteer for 2015

Issues Local Interest Tree Canopy

Cabbagetown Urban Forest Management Plan Community Meeting – Feb. 26th

Our friends at ReLEAF have announced the rescheduled community meeting to present the Cabbagetown Urban Forest Management Plan for Thursday February 26th at the Miles & Kelly Nadal Youth Centre (Toronto Kiwanis Boys & Girls Clubs), 101 Spruce St.

The Community Meeting will include U of T Forestry presenting the ‘Cabbagetown Urban Forest Management Plan’ and Tara Bobie, Urban Forestry, City of Toronto talking about ‘Tree Protection’.

In addition, speakers will include Eric Davies and Sadia Butt. LEAF will be taking about their ‘Backyard Tree Planting Program’ and ‘Adopt-A-Park-Tree Program’.

Eventbrite FREE tickets available at:

Sponsors for the evening include:
Cabbagetown Preservation Association
Cabbagetown Residents Association
Cabbagetown South Residents Association
Nick & Hilary

Cabbagetown Urban Forest Management Plan Poster

Tree Canopy

ReLEAF is seeking volunteers to take care of newly planted trees

Our good friends at Cabbagetown ReLEAF want to make sure that trees that are planted get the care and attention they deserve and hope that you will volunteer to help. It seems that mulch and watering are the primary tasks involved.

The parks in need of help are: Riverdale, Wellesley, Winchester and Regent Park.

Detailed information is available on the ReLEAF site at:

To learn more or volunteer, contact David Grant at (416) 875-0725 or

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