Film Shoots

Film Shoots Local Interest

City/Local News Round-up – November 20



Pumpkin Walk a Success

Thanks to the CRA volunteers for organizing it and to all of you that came out to enjoy the Pumpkin Walk  on 1st November. It was great to see so many neighbours and friends out there, enjoying the spectacle.


 2021 Holiday Lights Competition

Yes, it’s back for 2021! We encourage you all to light up your front gardens to bring some extra festive cheer to Cabbagetown. Find out all you need to know about how to enter and win!


2021 Holiday Cards Competition

This festive favourite is back too and we’re delighted to welcome Winchester School back to the competition after a short hiatus. So kids, get your creative juices flowing and see what you can come up with!




Film CameraAs you probably know, Sinking Ship Productions is currently filming a series called Jubilee in Cabbagetown, mostly located around the Coop at the corner of Winchester and Metcalfe. As a gesture of thanks to our community for the disruption filming can cause, they have already made several donations to local concerns, including a $2,500 donation to Sprucecourt School for their food program.

Over the last few weeks the CRA has been in discussions with the Location Manager, Dason Johnson, to see what more they could do to ‘give back’ to the community. We are delighted to announce that they have well and truly stepped-up to this by committing an additional $15,000 to be shared across several local organizations. 

The CRA, in consultation with various local parties has identified the following organizations as recipients of these funds, with a heavy emphasis on helping address food insecurity in the neighbourhood:

Winchester School food program: $2,500 
Dixon Hall: $5,000
Building Roots: $1,500
Cabbagetown Youth Club/Kiwanis: $4,500
St Luke’s Church: $500
Riverdale Farm: $500
Children’s Book Bank: $500

On behalf of the community, we would like to thank Dason and the Production team at Sinking Ship for this extremely generous donation.

About Jubilee

Jubilee is produced  in partnership with Apple TV+ and The Jane Goodall Institute. It follows Jane, a precocious 10 year old inspired by her namesake Jane Goodall to protect the environment, endangered species and ultimately those around her. Each episode centers around Jane embarking on an adventure with different endangered species from Giant Bats to Polar Bears, Blue Whales and Rhinos!

Jane uses her fertile imagination to see these animals in the real world and together with her best friend, David, and her stuffed animal chimpanzee come to life, Greybeard – inspired by the first chimp who befriended Jane Goodall at Gombe – they embark on adventures in and around their neighborhood. During these adventures they learn important lessons about threats to at risk animals and about the ways humans can help. They also discover ways to conserve local species and environments through their interactions with their neighbours. Each episode ends with a lesson being imparted that echoes the theme of the series; “Every individual matters. Every individual has a role to play. Every individual makes a difference.” The ultimate aim in creating this show is to offer hope, inspiration and a way forward for children, parents and everyone else in the fight to combat climate change, environmental destruction and species extinctions.



Film Shoots In The News Local Interest

City/Local News Round-up ~ Sep 25 – Oct 8


Pumpkin Walk Poster Cabbagetown’s beloved Pumpkin Walk will once again be happening in Riverdale Park West, on November 1 from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m.

We invite all Cabbagetown Residents to ring their Pumpkins over and, of course, feel free to dress up appropriately for the occasion!

As we have done in previous years, we’ll also be hosting a food drive,  this year it’s for local service provider Dixon Hall , so please bring some non-perishable foods to donate as well.

All the Pumpkins will be recycled by the City of Toronto.




Film CameraSinking Ship Productions, is filming a TV series over several months at the corner of Metcalfe and Winchester. The CRA approached them recently to ask if they would make a donation to local charities, as a sort of compensation for the disruption these events bring to the community. They agreed! And now three local kids organizations are $500 better off:

  • BGC Toronto Kiwanis
  • Cabbagetown Community Arts Centre
  • Green Thumbs Growing Kids

Thanks go out to to Lise A. Flynn from the CRA board who negotiated these donations with Sinking Ships on behalf of our community.




We received a blog post from our friends over at Green Thumbs Growing Kids about growing Urban Trees From Seed.

“Trees provide shade and oxygen in our urban environment, but many trees fail for various reasons. Some are the wrong species in the wrong place, and some are simply reaching the end of their lives. Some have been victims of poor maintenance, and pest or disease problems. Our municipality and our school board require trees to be a few years old and a certain width diameter to be planted, but where do those trees come from…….? Find out from Sunday Harrison what GTGK is doing to help.




Dixon Hall logoWe received a message from Mercedes Watson, CEO at Dixon Hall. They need your help to ensure that everyone at Dixon Hall has a safe and memorable Thanksgiving.

For one part of the Dixon Hall team, Thanksgiving will be spent with 550+ fellow community members. Over the past 15 years, the Dixon Hall Emergency Housing Services team has served a full Thanksgiving meal for clients that are currently facing homelessness. A hot meal, shared without judgement, that these clients otherwise would not have. This year, the meal includes turkey, with homemade stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy and fall vegetables, along with a vegan option of, “tofurkey” with all the fixings.  And don’t forget the pumpkin pie!

This Thanksgiving, please consider donating to Dixon Hall and supporting programs that provide safe, warm spaces for individuals who need it most.




BlogTO logoWhat’s open on Thanksgiving Monday 2021 in Toronto is a bit of a mixed bag. While most of the city has the day off, there are some exceptions. If you need to do some last-minute turkey day shopping or want to spend the day out with the fam, let this be your guide on October 11.

Here’s what’s open and closed on Thanksgiving Monday in Toronto, care of Jaclyn Skrobacky at BlogTO.






The City of Toronto is inviting residents and community leaders to help inspire local climate action by becoming a Neighbourhood Climate Action Champion.

Participants in the program will receive virtual training and support to empower them to support residents in developing innovative climate action projects that reflect the needs and values of their communities.


Toronto City Council has approved the extension of the City of Toronto’s temporary mask bylaws and the COVID-19 amendments to Chapter 354, Apartment Buildings until the end of Council’s January 2022 meeting.



City Council has voted to continue waiving permit fees for businesses providing outdoor fitness programs in City parks and greenspaces until December 31. As COVID-19 recovery efforts continue, this extension recognizes the ongoing need to access outdoor spaces, fresh air and exercise, and assist businesses impacted by the pandemic.



The provincial regulations that limited the City of Toronto’s ability to regulate construction noise during the COVID-19 pandemic expire. Effective today, regulations in the City’s Noise Bylaw, as it relates to construction activity, will apply again and construction noise will not be permitted from:

  • 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. of the next day, except until 9 a.m. on Saturdays
  • All day Sundays and statutory holidays



Toronto’s Medical Officer of Health Dr. Eileen de Villa has issued a Letter of Instruction requiring all people age 12 and older who participate in indoor organized sports, including players, coaches, and officials, to provide proof of vaccination as an additional measure to reduce community COVID-19 transmission.



Here’s the latest insights and updates from our friends over at Live Green News, Toronto. 



Film Shoots

Notice of Location Filming – Metcalfe and Winchester Streets – Sep. 2021

Posted on August 26, 2021

We have received notification of a couple of new film shoots from Alice Lilwell at the City film permitting office.  These shoots are both scheduled for mid September: 


Production Type: TV SERIES

Project Title: Tallboyz 03

Production Company & Address: ACCENTBOYZ3 PRODUCTIONS Production Company Phone  #: 437-344-3040
Location Manager: Ingrid Fielden. Cell #: 416-930-9030

Filming Location(s) & Times: Location: 200 WINCHESTER ST

Type: FILMING, Start Date Time: Sep-13 07:00, To: Sep-13 21:00
Type: WEATHER, Start Date Time: Sep-17 07:00, To: Sep-17 21:00

Crew Parking Location(s):

SUMACH ST BETWEEN CARLTON ST AND WINCHESTER ST, Side: E. Start: Sep-12 07:00 , End: Sep-13 23:00
WINCHESTER ST BETWEEN SUMACH ST AND SUMACH ST, Side: N. Start: Sep-12 07:00 , End: Sep-13 23:00
PARLIAMENT ST BETWEEN WELLESLEY ST E AND BLOOR ST E, Side: E. Start: Sep-12 07:00 , End: Sep-17 23:00



Production Type: TV SERIES
Project Title: Jubilee

Production Company Phone  #: 905-699-5531
Location Manager: Dason Johnson. Cell #: 647-272-7477

Filming Location(s) & Times: Location: WINCHESTER ST and METCALFE ST

Type: PREP, Start Date Time: Sep-12 07:00, To: Sep-13 23:00
Type: FILMING, Start Date Time: Sep-14 07:00, To: Sep-17 23:00
Type: WRAP, Start Date Time: Sep-18 07:00, To: Sep-18 23:00
Type: WEATHER, Start Date Time: Sep-20 07:00, To: Sep-22 23:00

Parking Location(s):

WINCHESTER ST between METCALFE ST and SACKVILLE ST, Side: N. Start: Sep-14 07:00 , End: Sep-15 23:00
SACKVILLE ST between CARLTON ST and WINCHESTER ST, Side: W. Start: Sep-12 07:00 , End: Sep-17 23:00
PARLIAMENT ST BETWEEN WELLESLEY ST E AND BLOOR ST E, Side: E. Start: Sep-12 18:00 , End: Sep-17 23:00
METCALFE ST between MILLINGTON ST and WINCHESTER ST, Side: W. Start: Sep-14 07:00 , End: Sep-15 23:00 – Please note that this is the road closure date
WINCHESTER ST BETWEEN METCALFE ST AND SACKVILLE ST, Side: S. Start: Sep-12 18:00 , End: Sep-18 23:00


Film Shoots

Commercial shoot on Wellesley Street on Thursday, April 25

There will be an Interac commercial shot at 472 Wellesley Street East (interior scenes) between 1 p.m and 11 p.m. on Thursday, April 25.

Production vehicles and various pieces of film equipment will be located on:
– Wellesley Street E., one side, from Sumach to the end
– Parkview Avenue, from Wellesley Street E. to the end
– Parliament Street, east side from Wellesley Street E. to Bloor Street E.

The crew will begin reserving the above parking areas with cones on April 24 at 6 p.m. with vehicles arriving April 25 at 1 p.m. and departing April 25 by 11 p.m.

Displaced permit parkers affected by filming activities are asked to park in their driveways (if applicable), surrounding streets, or nearby pay lots. If you hold a valid, local street parking permit, please approach any crew member and ask to speak to John Dranski or Chantal Dos Reis from the Locations Department. They will direct you to available parking and/or reimburse your parking receipt.

Any questions? Reach John Dranski, Location Manager, 416-887-5418;

Film Shoots

Filming at 650 Parliament Street in May, exact dates TBC

There ba-ack … film crews once again return to Cabbagetown.

We get these notices through the City of Toronto and this is one of the more open-ended and vague ones – if we get better details in future, will update this post. As is usual, if anything is amiss, contact the location manager.

Show: Streets of Yesterday, a TV series

Location Manager: Shaun Cengiz

Location Manager Cell #: 416-566-6271

Filming Location(s) & Times: Location: 650 Parliament St, two separate dates between May 9, at 7 a.m. and May 25 at 11 p.m.

Parking Locations: The company has asked for a hold from May 9 to May 25 for the following locations, but promises this will be reduced one the shoot dates are firmed up

– Parliament Street east side between Welllesley Street East and Bloor Street East
Parliament Street west side between Wellesley Street East and St. James Avenue
Bloor Street East, south side, between Sherbourne and Parliament streets

Film Shoots

Shadowhunters TV series filming on Oct. 24

A TV series, Shadowhunters, is filming in two locations in our neighbourhood on Tuesday, Oct. 24.

And, heads up, the parking space bookings are among the biggest the Cabbagetowner has seen in recent memory. It seems half the ‘hood  street parking is reserved between 7 a.m. Oct. 23 and (with a couple exceptions) midnight Oct. 24 (the bureaucratic notice says 11:59 p.m. Oct. 24).

If you have any questions or concerts, please contact the location manager Richard Hughes at  (416) 896-8117

Film Location 1: Carlton Street between Ontario and Parliament streets: a  “walk and talk scene” from noon to midnight.

Film Location 2: Parliament and Winchester streets intersection: “car pulls up to stop light at intersection. Intermittent traffic stoppages under PDO supervision.” From noon to midnight.

Parking locations:

East side of Parliament Street between Wellesley Street East and Bloor Street East from Oct. 23, 7 a.m. to Oct. 25, 7 a.m.

South side of Winchester Street between Rose Avenue and Parliament Street  from Oct. 23 to 7 a.m. to Oct. 24 midnight.

Winchester Street between Parliament and Metcalfe streets: Oct. 23 7 a.m. to Oct. 24 midnight. 

East side of Parliament Street between Carlton Street and Wellesley Street East, Oct. 23 7 a.m. to Oct. 23 midnight.

West side of Berkeley Street between Doctor O Lane and Carlton Street , Oct. 23 7 a.m. to Oct. 24 midnight.

East side of Ontario Street between Carlton and Winchester streets, between Oct. 23  7 a.m. and Oct. 24 midnight.

Carlton Street between Sherbourne and Parliament streets, excluding rush hours: Oct. 23 7 a.m. to Oct. 24 midnight.

Film Shoots

Falling Water TV series filming on Lancaster & Isabella Aug. 31

More film crews are arriving in Cabbagetown, this time for a TV Series, Falling Water. If you have any issues or concerns during the filming on Aug. 31 and set up before / clean up after, contact Location Manager Tim Owen at (416) 875-4373

Locations: 136 Isabella St. and 2 Lancaster Ave.

Date and time: Aug. 31, 7 a.m. to 11 p.m.

Parking locations: Parliament Street between Wellesley Street East and Bloor Street east, on the east side, Parliament Street between Winchester and Prospect Street, west side and Huntley Street between Isabella and Selby streets.

Parking dates and times: from Aug. 29 5 p.m. to September 1, 5 p.m.

Film Shoots

They’re ba-ack: One more Condor filming on Aug. 24

The Condor TV series returns for what they promise is just a few hours of “pickup shots for previous recurring location” on Thursday, July 24 between 5 p.m. and 11 p.m. along Gordon Sinclair Lane and Riverdale Park Road.

The vehicles will park on Carlton Street, south side, between Bowman and Sumach Street.

If you have any issues or concerns, reach out to the Location Manager Chris Moulson
 416 891-6000

Film Shoots

Commercial being filmed on Sackville, Sumach in August

Cabbagetown may be getting an IKEA closeup.

While we cannot confirm for certain that the world’s largest furniture retailer is behind the latest filming notice from the city of Toronto for our ‘hood,  the permit states this is for a commercial with the title”Ikea170817.”

Maybe we’ll get to be as famous as “START THE CAR!!!”

Update August 15: Another shoot date on Sumach Street has been added for this commercial.

In this case, the Location Manager is Bill Dawe and his number is (905) 339-8921.  Contact Bill if you have any issues or concerns during the shoot.

Location: 311 Sumach St.

Dates: Between Aug. 19, 7 a.m. and Aug. 22, 11 p.m.

Parking Location(s): Sumach Street between Gerrard Street East and Spruce Street; and Spruce Street bebwteen Sumach and Sword Streets

Original post: This commerical shoot is supposed to be one full day of filming but the permit covers a week in which that day of shooting will occur: Thursday, August 17 to Thursday, August 24.

As always, if you have any issues, contact the Location Manager, Christian Wood: Cell #: 416 880-8684.

– 374 Sackville St.;
– Sackville Street between Millington and Winchester Streets;
– 415 Sackville St.

Dates and Times:
from 7 a.m. Aug. 27 to 11 p.m. Aug. 24.

Update on August 17: Two filming dates now confirmed for Sackville: Aug. 19 and Aug. 21. Local residents have been informed.

Parking Locations:
– Carlton Street north side between Parliament and Sackville streets; 
– Sackville Street between Carlton and Winchester streets;
– Winchester Street between Metcalfe and Sackville streets.

Parking dates and times are the same as for the filming times except for Carlton Street, where the parking permit begins at 9 a.m. on Wednesday, August 16 and ends August 18 at 8:30 p.m.

Film Shoots

Carlton Street filming July 23-24

More filming coming to Cabbagetown: this time at 303 Carlton Street, same house as an earlier shoot this year in May. The production company and project titles are different, although this production company and the one from May share the same address.

As always, if you have any concerns or questions, contact the location manager.

Project Title: Forevermark 170723

Production Company and Address: Radke Films, 125 George St., Toronto Ontario, M5A 2N4 Phone: 416-869-3500

Location Manager: Matthew Cassils, mobile #: 647-618-4846

Filming Location and Times: Location: 303 Carlton St.,  from July 23, 7 a.m., to July 24, 11 p.m.

Parking Location(s): South side of Carlton Street between Parliament and Sackville streets, from July 22 at 6 p.m. to July 24 at 11 p.m.

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