Pumpkin Walk a Success
Thanks to the CRA volunteers for organizing it and to all of you that came out to enjoy the Pumpkin Walk on 1st November. It was great to see so many neighbours and friends out there, enjoying the spectacle.
2021 Holiday Lights Competition
Yes, it’s back for 2021! We encourage you all to light up your front gardens to bring some extra festive cheer to Cabbagetown. Find out all you need to know about how to enter and win!
2021 Holiday Cards Competition
This festive favourite is back too and we’re delighted to welcome Winchester School back to the competition after a short hiatus. So kids, get your creative juices flowing and see what you can come up with!
As you probably know, Sinking Ship Productions is currently filming a series called Jubilee in Cabbagetown, mostly located around the Coop at the corner of Winchester and Metcalfe. As a gesture of thanks to our community for the disruption filming can cause, they have already made several donations to local concerns, including a $2,500 donation to Sprucecourt School for their food program.
Over the last few weeks the CRA has been in discussions with the Location Manager, Dason Johnson, to see what more they could do to ‘give back’ to the community. We are delighted to announce that they have well and truly stepped-up to this by committing an additional $15,000 to be shared across several local organizations.
The CRA, in consultation with various local parties has identified the following organizations as recipients of these funds, with a heavy emphasis on helping address food insecurity in the neighbourhood:
Winchester School food program: $2,500
Dixon Hall: $5,000
Building Roots: $1,500
Cabbagetown Youth Club/Kiwanis: $4,500
St Luke’s Church: $500
Riverdale Farm: $500
Children’s Book Bank: $500
On behalf of the community, we would like to thank Dason and the Production team at Sinking Ship for this extremely generous donation.
About Jubilee
Jubilee is produced in partnership with Apple TV+ and The Jane Goodall Institute. It follows Jane, a precocious 10 year old inspired by her namesake Jane Goodall to protect the environment, endangered species and ultimately those around her. Each episode centers around Jane embarking on an adventure with different endangered species from Giant Bats to Polar Bears, Blue Whales and Rhinos!
Jane uses her fertile imagination to see these animals in the real world and together with her best friend, David, and her stuffed animal chimpanzee come to life, Greybeard – inspired by the first chimp who befriended Jane Goodall at Gombe – they embark on adventures in and around their neighborhood. During these adventures they learn important lessons about threats to at risk animals and about the ways humans can help. They also discover ways to conserve local species and environments through their interactions with their neighbours. Each episode ends with a lesson being imparted that echoes the theme of the series; “Every individual matters. Every individual has a role to play. Every individual makes a difference.” The ultimate aim in creating this show is to offer hope, inspiration and a way forward for children, parents and everyone else in the fight to combat climate change, environmental destruction and species extinctions.