Spring is here, and thoughts have turned to love and renovations! We’ve heard from a few residents looking for guidance on how to ensure that their external home renovations are in keeping with the neighbourhood’s historical designation.
When it comes to our history, we rely on our friends at the Cabbagetown Preservation Association and the Cabbagetown Heritage Conservation District who have a great history (ahem) with this topic.
They have excellent resources available on their websites including the HCD Compendium Search where you can learn more about the history of your own home including the names of the original owners!
Renovating in Cabbagetown (cabbagetownpa.ca)
Cabbagetown HCD Resources (cabbagetownhcd.ca)
Cabbagetown HCD Compendium of Houses (cabbagetownhcd.ca – you can look up your own house for historical information at this URL)