One of the best known former residents of Cabbagetown is Sarah Anne Curzon who lived at 274 Carlton St. in the 1870s. She was a playwright, poet, journalist, and a pioneer in educating readers of her newspaper and magazine columns in which she wrote about female suffrage, property rights equal to men and access to higher education for women.
While living in Cabbagetown, she wrote the play The Sweet Girl Graduate, which mocked the idea that women were not intelligent enough to study at the university level and her daughter later came to be one of the first females to graduate with a B.A. from the University of Toronto.
During her lifetime, she was best known for writing Laura Secord: The Heroine of 1812 ( which helped to make Laura Secord a household name in Canada.
Read more about Sarah Anne Curzon on the Cabbagetown People website… (