annual general meeting


Annual General Meeting – May 26 @ 7:00pm

Dear DVCRA Members,

Our Annual General Meeting is fast approaching.

When: Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Where: The Meeting House, Riverdale Farm, 7:00pm.

Our Guest presenter will be Sarah Lamon from Local Enhancement and Appreciation of Forests (LEAF).  Sarah will talk about the Urban Forest, what it is, the benefits of trees, their importance in our lives. She will also discuss events affecting our urban forest and why it’s important to act. Solutions include some new exciting initiatives offered by LEAF as well as things that we, as residents can do to keep our tree canopy alive.

Don Vale Cabbagetown residents are encouraged to come out, meet your neighbours and support your Association.  If you are not a member of the DVCRA, please join through our website or sign up at the meeting.  Annual fees are a nominal $10 per person or $15 per household. Any member wishing to examine minutes of the last AGM, may do so by contacting the Secretary at prior to the May 26th meeting.

Looking forward to seeing you!

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