We’ve heard from a number of residents inquiring as to whether there are local efforts to assist with the sponsoring and settling of refugees from the conflict in Syria. We thought we would let you know what we’ve found out so far, and where you can find more information.
If you know of other local efforts that you would like us to share, please contact us.
December 19 2015 – The Bulletin has published an informative article about some of the projects noted below and written by Cabbagetowner Eric Morse.
Local residents & Metro United Church welcome Syrian family (thebulletin.ca)
Central Neighbourhood House (349 Ontario St.) as of December 3, have raised enough money to sponsor two Syrian families, and are raising funds toward sponsoring a third family.
Community Matters Toronto of St. James Town is working to help groups sponsoring Syrian refugees who will live in the St. James Town neighbourhood.
Read more…
Facebook Page
February 13, 2016 Progress Update
Toronto Harbour is a group that includes a number of Cabbagetowners that are seeking to sponsor a Syrian family. They are working with Jewish Immigrant Aid Services as their Sponsorship Agreement Holder.
February 15, 2016 Progress Update
Roots to Routes is a group that includes some Cabbagetowners raising money to bring a Syrian family to Canada. They are working with Ryerson University’s Lifeline Syrian Challenge.
Cabbagetown Neighbourhood Association for Syrian Refugee Assistance has raised over $120k (as of Dec. 15, 2015) toward supporting LGBT families fleeing from Syria.
Salam Cabbagetown is a group of downtown families who decided during a neighbourhood gathering, that they wanted to sponsor a family from Syria. So far, $30,460 toward their goal of $34,000 has been raised (March 9, 2016).
Sherbourne Health Centre has prepared a number of their services to assist refugees coming from Syria.
Culture Link (2340 Dundas Street West, Suite 301) are looking for in-kind donations of things such as winter coats, appliances and more.
Lifeline Syria (760 College St.) is an organization helping other organizations in their efforts and would be a good resource for those who have begun working or are about to begin working to sponsor, raise funds or other activities.
The Government of Ontario has online resources for citizens wishing to help.
MPP Glen Murray‘s office has indicated that they can help direct people wishing to help but are unsure where to go. Call (416) 972-7683.
International Options:
If you wish to donate via the United Nations Refugee Agency, visit their site at:
Updates from Sponsor Groups:
Community Matters
February 13, 2016 – As a brief update Community Matters has raised enough funds to sponsor 2 families. We have been approved for sponsorship and are now waiting to receive refugee profiles. There has been a delay i this part of the process from the governments point of view and they announced a short delay in issuing any additional profiles so we hope they get back o line soon as there are a number of private groups who are in the same position as our selves.
In the mean time we have been working with groups who are sponsoring families. We have helped find apartments ad organize around leases, we have created ad shared our own Neighbourhood Guide for newcomers. Some of the other groups have taken this and have adapted it to their needs. As we work with many newcomers in our community we are setting up meetings and work shops with sponsoring groups to discuss settlement issues and cultural approaches. We are meeting a lot of great people.
We continue to meet every Tuesday fro 6 to 7:30 at Community Matters. Different organizations who are wanting to contribute are coming to our meetings and so we are getting to know a wide variety of organizations and people who wish to help. One organization is setting up a play day for refugee children and another is working on long term housing issues.
We continue to help sponsoring families complete forms and navigate the system not only for Syrian Refugees but also those refugees who are entering Canada outside of the current Syrian Refugee initiative.
Toronto Harbour
February 15, 2016 – We have just been matched with a family and it’s in fact two couples – parents in their 50s and their son and daughter in law in their 30s. We’ll be reuniting them with their two daughters and grandchildren who are all living in different countries in the middle east. Sponsoring two couples is more expensive than one family so we are launching round 2 of fundraising. Donations are very welcome through www.torontoharbour.org.