Shadowhunters TV series filming on Oct. 24

Film Shoots

Shadowhunters TV series filming on Oct. 24

A TV series, Shadowhunters, is filming in two locations in our neighbourhood on Tuesday, Oct. 24.

And, heads up, the parking space bookings are among the biggest the Cabbagetowner has seen in recent memory. It seems half the ‘hood  street parking is reserved between 7 a.m. Oct. 23 and (with a couple exceptions) midnight Oct. 24 (the bureaucratic notice says 11:59 p.m. Oct. 24).

If you have any questions or concerts, please contact the location manager Richard Hughes at  (416) 896-8117

Film Location 1: Carlton Street between Ontario and Parliament streets: a  “walk and talk scene” from noon to midnight.

Film Location 2: Parliament and Winchester streets intersection: “car pulls up to stop light at intersection. Intermittent traffic stoppages under PDO supervision.” From noon to midnight.

Parking locations:

East side of Parliament Street between Wellesley Street East and Bloor Street East from Oct. 23, 7 a.m. to Oct. 25, 7 a.m.

South side of Winchester Street between Rose Avenue and Parliament Street  from Oct. 23 to 7 a.m. to Oct. 24 midnight.

Winchester Street between Parliament and Metcalfe streets: Oct. 23 7 a.m. to Oct. 24 midnight. 

East side of Parliament Street between Carlton Street and Wellesley Street East, Oct. 23 7 a.m. to Oct. 23 midnight.

West side of Berkeley Street between Doctor O Lane and Carlton Street , Oct. 23 7 a.m. to Oct. 24 midnight.

East side of Ontario Street between Carlton and Winchester streets, between Oct. 23  7 a.m. and Oct. 24 midnight.

Carlton Street between Sherbourne and Parliament streets, excluding rush hours: Oct. 23 7 a.m. to Oct. 24 midnight.

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