Dear friends and neighbours
Spring is finally here and it is time to get outside and enjoy walking Cabbagetown streets! Unfortunately, spring and summer brings an increase in foot traffic and some unsavory activity to lane ways and (not so) hidden spaces.
The CRA is collaborating with 51 Division Police Services to schedule safety walks through problematic areas of our neighbourhood. These safety walks can be done during the day or at night – the purpose is to directly view areas of concern and highlight ways to increase safety and security and reduce the occurrence of unwelcome activity through environmental changes and design.
The CRA is asking its members and residents of Cabbagetown to identify ‘hotspots’ of unwanted activity for which a safety walk may be beneficial by emailing the following details to
– street/ lane way name, OR address/description of the area of concern
– 2 to 3 sentences about your observations and concerns.
– whether day or night safety walk is preferred (determined by problems identified)
– other relevant information
Once received, we will work with 51 Division Police Services to schedule safety walks in priority areas. We plan to begin safety walks in the month of June 2013.
Thank you,
CRA Board