Riverdale Park West bike share update


Riverdale Park West bike share update

A message from Phil Frei, President, CRA:

We have received the letter, below, from the City of Toronto (from the late Councillor McConnell’s staff) about moving the Bike Share location.

In June, I attended a meeting at Riverdale Park West with city officials, who said they had concerns about snow removal with the bike station’s current location. An alternative location, at the southwest corner of the park, was proposed. I felt that the new location would address the snow clearing concerns of the city and still keep the Bike Share visibly in the park, a clear message from our early survey from this issue. The CRA has since learned there are significant concerns about the new location from our residents and good questions about why the existing location can’t be improved to deal with the snow clearing.

Given the concerns of our residents and unsatisfactory responses about improving the current location, we question the need for this Bike Share relocation. Please feel free to write Kelly Sather at the Ward 28 council office individually, but we would also like to hear from you so that we can have a co-ordinated response representing our membership. Write to us at info@cabbagetowner.com.

Letter from Kelly Sather, Consituency Assistant, Ward 28 Councillor’s Office:

I am writing to keep the CRA updated on the location of the Bike Share location in Riverdale Park West. (The late) Pam McConnell and I met with residents, our local Parks supervisor, and Bike Share staff on site in June to discuss the possibility of finding a new location for the Bike Share dock.

During that meeting, a location near the southwest entrance to the park presented itself as a possible new location and staff will be moving forward with moving the dock to this location.

This new location was deemed appropriate because it provided enough space for the dock and the right amount of sunlight to power the station, and was conveniently located next to other bike locks. Further, the location does not infringe upon any otherwise useable park green space that could be used for other activities.

I will continue to take feedback from residents and evaluate this new location at the end of September. The new location is not necessarily permanent and residents can contact me directly at ksather@toronto.ca with feedback, suggestions and concerns. Moving a dock doesn’t require any permanent infrastructure so it isn’t terribly difficult to relocate it from one part of the park to another.

6 replies on “Riverdale Park West bike share update”

I think the rack is fine where it is. I would far rather attention be given to the shocking condition of the pathway running from the top north west corner to the bottom south east corner of the park. It’s a major problem for mothers with strollers and the elderly.

Kenneth, I agree the rack is well placed as is. I don’t know if any location could be perfect in every way.

The real question is, is one rack enough? Could it be that there are enough trips to justify two racks, or an expanded version of the existing rack? Do we know how often the bikes are being used? What I’m trying to say is, what’s the frequency, Kenneth?

How could Pam’s office go forward with moving of the bike share rack after the local community clearly indicated it’s overwhelming opposition to the move? Our local residents association did a poll and the results were over 95% against the move. The latest proposal in June to move racks to Sumach & Carlton were just as strongly opposed by all of the residents in that area. Pam’s office was deluged with emails opposing the move.

I’m all for bike sharing and for the beautification of the park. I’m against one or two residents ( non-elected officials), having their way over the opposing wish of vast majority of residents in this community.

The CRA and it’s elected Board serves as the voice of it’s many members and needs to raise it’s voice a bit louder to be heard at City Hall. Otherwise, and until Pam’s successor is elected, it appears that the neighborhood is being run by a small group of self interested individuals who are used to having their own way and will continue to do so until someone stands up for all the rest of us residents.

The bike rack should be moved. It should never have been put on parkland – and grass. Bikes are transportation vehicles – we don’t park cars on parkland! The bike rack should be on the pavement in lieu of a couple of parking spots. We have little enough green space as it is. It is precious and should not be wasted thoughtlessly.

I just walked passed new location for the bikes and I am shocked. I can’t believe that this is what the few who voiced their concern wanted. It is still on grass, and it is now literally front and centre of the park entrance everyone was so keen on protecting. The old location was out of sight and most cabbagetowners did not have an issue with it. Now in its new location I’m sure there will be many more that will share their distain for its new home.

I’d like to echo the above writer’s comments–today I was very surprised during my early morning walk to encounter the new location for the bikes. It is a very prominent place. Maybe too prominent? It flanks the main entrance to the park and, while convenient to bike users, is literally the first thing people will see as they approach the park, whether pedestrians or drivers. At least the former location was more discrete and less travelled, tucked out of the way yet still convenient. I vote for the bikes to return from whence they came!

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