We’re looking forward to seeing Members at the Annual General Meeting, June 11th at Stout Irish Pub.
We’ll never turn anyone away, but we’d like to get an idea of how many of you are planning to attend to make sure we’ve got enough BEER AND FRITES! Please let us know if you and other members of your household are planning to attend by emailing us at: info@cabbagetowner.com.
Annual General Meeting
Wednesday, June 11th – 7:00 PM
Stout Irish Pub
221 Carlton St.
Financial Review
Appointment of New Directors
2013/2014 Highlights
Human Bingo Game
Paid-up members of the Association will receive 1 free beer ticket and 1 order of Stout’s gourmet frites to snack on while the meeting takes place. Since annual memberships are only $20 per household ($50 for three years), you can see the value in keeping your membership up to date!
If you’re not sure of your membership status, you can find this out by logging in at: https://cra48.wildapricot.org. If you don’t have a password (or forgot it), you can have it sent to your email address. If you’d prefer, we will also be accepting membership applications and renewals at the door on June 11th. If you have any questions about membership, please email us at info@cabbagetowner.com.
And now…a word from our President on what we’ve achieved this year:
Dear Neighbour,
2013 was a year of milestones for the Cabbagetown Residents Association (CRA). We conducted a neighbourhood wide census survey, launched a new monthly email communication, rolled out a brand new mobile friendly website, and launched the 1st annual Pumpkin Walk event. It was a busy year for the team!
2013 Successes & Highlights
1. Team Expanded: We welcomed 4 new board members to the team joining the existing 7 board members. Lee Matheson completed his term as President resulting in new assignments to President (Steven de Blois), Vice-President (Lynn Dionne), and Secretary (Carolyn Shaw-Rimmington).
2. Forsythia Festival: On the heels of assuming oversight of the festival in 2013, the CRA’s Forsythia Festival Committee continued to expand the scale of the festival with new activities, greater food options and a beer garden. The festival happened on May 4th and continues to be an important neighbourhood Spring tradition.
3. Cabbagetown Community Survey: Conducted in October, the survey was designed to give the community a voice in guiding the efforts and agenda of the CRA board for the next couple of years. The survey was completed by 200 respondents and there were more than 200 open comments submitted.
4. New Monthly Email: In an effort to improve our channels of communication, we launched our first ever monthly newsletter. Alongside our website and Twitter channel, our email has been well received. We encourage you to join our email list and follow us on Twitter.
5. Mobile Friendly Website: In 2011, we launched a redesigned website. In an effort to improve the experience for residents viewing our email/website on their smartphone, we have optimized our website www.cabbagetowner.com for viewing on your smartphones.
6. Pumpkin Walk: Another community event organised by the CRA and local residents. Held annually on November 1st, the inaugural pumpkin walk saw 136 inspiring creations lined up in Riverdale Farm. Residents also made generous donations of non-perishable food items for Toronto’s Daily Bread Food Bank.
7. Safety & Security Walks: In collaboration with 51 Division Police Services, the CRA scheduled two safety walks through problematic areas in our neighbourhood as identified by residents. The purpose was to highlight ways to increase safety and security and reduce the occurrence of unwelcome activity through environmental changes and design.
8. Annual Holiday Card Contest: In its 4th year, the contest was rolled-out to Winchester Public School. We hope you enjoy and appreciated the effort that the young artists commit to their work.
9. Co-organizer Ward 28 Federal Election Debate: In partnership with neighbouring residents association and business improvement associations, we co-organized and promoted the debate.
10. Cabbagetown Re-Leaf: The CRA’s Canopy Committee (established in 2011) announced a strategic partnership with Cabbagetown’s very own Re-Leaf organization. Together, we will continue to promote a larger, healthier urban forest through community planting, tree care, tree protection, education, and advocacy.
Annual General Meeting
We encourage you to come to our Annual General Meeting to meet neighbours, socialize and learn more about our activities. This year, our AGM will be on June 11 at 7:00 pm at Stout Irish Pub at 221 Carlton Street. We hope you will join us!
We also encourage you to join or renew your membership (www.cabbagetowner.com/membership). Benefits of membership include receiving our monthly email, attending great events, and knowing that you are supporting a hard-working volunteer organization that is benefitting your community in tangible ways.
We are always looking for enthusiastic volunteers for our committees, or if there are areas you are passionate about, we welcome new ideas as well.
Please watch our website at www.cabbagetowner.com for more information. You can always email us at info@cabbagetowner.com
On behalf of the Board,
Steven de Blois