President's Letter 2009


President's Letter 2009

Dear Members,

Over the past few months the Don Vale Cabbagetown Residents Association
(DVCRA) has been busy on several fronts and we would like to highlight some of the new initiatives upon which we have embarked.

The DVCRA helped residents alleviate some of their garbage woes during the Municipal strike by renting two large dumpsters on July 13th and 27th.
After paying for the cost of the bins we were able to raise $1,000.00 to donate to the Cabbagetown Youth Centre (CYC). This money will go towards the CYC’s Recreational Infrastructure Canada fundraising campaign and will be matched by contributions from both the Federal and Provincial governments. The CYC intends to use the funds to make badly needed capital investments in its facilities to help ensure that it can continue to provide its valuable programming to members of our community.

At our last monthly board meeting, held August 18th, we met with Doug Fisher from the Cabbagetown Business Improvement Area (BIA) to talk about the Sunarts Parliament Street Revitalisation plan. As many of you are aware, due to strong resident opposition, the BIA board voted at their last meeting to defer implementation of bench seating for two years. Other parts of the plan, such as hanging flower baskets and decorative brickwork will be phased in as finances allow. The DVCRA has agreed to help facilitate and support forums to allow residents to provide input to the BIA as it progresses with its efforts to make Parliament Street a more attractive commercial venue.

While the bench controversy is no longer an issue, the larger issue of personal safety remains for many of our members. We are looking to create a working group comprised of concerned residents, with assistance from the police, the BIA and the local Constituency Office, to explore ways that we can ensure all residents continue to feel safe and secure. If you would be interested in possibly being part of this group, please contact us at

Finally, don’t forget that the Cabbagetown Festival starts on Friday, September 11th. There are events for everyone from garage sales to Blair’s Run, a film festival to the Arts and Crafts in the Park. As always, it will be a wonderful weekend for our community.

We love to hear from our members, therefore please be in touch. We can be reached via email at If you have any questions or concerns, suggestions for future events or would like to volunteer, we look forward to hearing from you.

Kind Regards,

Lee Matheson
Don Vale Cabbagetown Residents Association

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