A hat-tip to Doug Fisher for letting us know about this event scheduled for Sept. 6 honouring Ainsworth Dyer who grew up nearby and has a laneway named after him. From Doug’s Blog:
The Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry (PPCLI) Association will conduct a 15-minute graveside memorial ceremony in the Necropolis (200 Winchester) to commemorate the PPCLI’s 100 years of service to Canada. They will be honouring Corporal Dyer who came from Regent Park. He died in Afganistan in 2002. Saturday, September 6, 11 am. Following the ceremony, a relay team will run to the Veteran’s Memorial Wall at Queen’s Park with the Memorial Baton which contains the names of 1,166 members of the PPCLI who died in combat or on operations. Members of the public are welcome to join the ceremonies at the Necropolis and at Queen’s Park.