Changes To Peak-Period Parking and Turning Restrictions: Carlton Street

Issues Traffic and Parking

Changes To Peak-Period Parking and Turning Restrictions: Carlton Street

There are some changes coming to Carlton Street near Parliament Street, so be sure to keep an eye on new signs about parking during peak-periods and restrictions on turning. It’s part of a larger program to minimize traffic congestion in the downtown core in general.

Here is some of the news release that describes the changes, and where to get more information:

Changes to parking and turning regulations on selected streets in downtown Toronto
The City of Toronto is changing the peak-period parking and turning restrictions on some sections of Queen Street, College/Carlton Street and Dundas Street between Roncesvalles Avenue and Parliament Street to help minimize traffic congestion and improve the flow of streetcars and general traffic in the downtown core.

Similar to changes already made on King and Queen Streets, the new regulations will extend stopping, standing and turning restrictions during morning and afternoon rush-hour periods. Public consultation with staff presentations took place throughout the study area earlier this year.

“By making these changes, the City of Toronto is helping to keep vehicles and streetcars moving during the crucial rush hour periods of the day,” said Councillor Jaye Robinson (Ward 25 Don Valley West), Chair of the Public Works and Infrastructure Committee. “This is another way that we are taking steps to reduce congestion, improve the flow of traffic and help residents get to where they need to go as quickly and safely as possible.”

Installation of new signage to reflect the no stopping and no parking regulations will start immediately and is expected to be completed by late November.

More specific details about the changes can be found at

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