The City’s Parks, Forestry and Recreation Division (affectionately known as PFR), are seeking our input on a new Facilities Master Plan which will guide their decision-making and investment in parks and recreation facilities (community centres, ice rinks, weight rooms, sports fields etc.) over the next 20 years.
They want to hear from people who:
– Use indoor and outdoor facilities to skate, swim, exercise, play sports, permit space or attend programs.
– Live near, or are familiar with any type of indoor or outdoor facility
– Don’t use parks and recreation facilities, but have thoughts and ideas to share
Here’s the news release for some more context:
Parks, Forestry and Recreation launches Facilities Master Plan with online survey
The City of Toronto’s Parks, Forestry and Recreation division is looking for the public’s input to help develop a new Parks and Recreation Facilities Master Plan. The plan, Active Spaces-People Places, will guide facility planning for the division over the next 20 years.
Toronto City Council’s Executive Committee approved the plan in October. Extensive public consultation is planned to ensure that residents and stakeholders are informed and engaged throughout the process. The consultation process is launching with an online public survey to gather information on the City’s parks and recreation facilities, how they are used and priorities for the future. For details, or to complete the survey, visit
To read the rest of this news release, visit the City’s website at: (