Noise From Regent Park Community Energy Centre – Update


Noise From Regent Park Community Energy Centre – Update

Many of you, especially in the southern part of the neighbourhood, will have been plagued by the droning hum from the Community Energy Centre in Regent Park. The noise seems to be particularly loud during the summer months. It began 5 years ago, and despite repeated complaints to our councillor, 311, TCHC and Daniels…the noise has continued. Since the Community Energy Centre is intended for use for the entire Regent Park development, it is likely that as development continues, the noise will become louder or more persistent and further negatively impact on many residents’ enjoyment of their property.

One resident was finally able to convince the city to do proper testing in the fall of 2012, and a reading of 44db was determined (the provincial and municipal limit is 45db) at the east end of Carlton St. near Riverdale Park. Residents closer to the Energy Centre, in a direct line from that location, have recorded readings of 60db however.

At community consultation meetings held in October of 2013 (related to changes to the official plan for Regent Park), TCHC committed to investigating this problem.

The following update was provided to me today by a representative of TCHC:

I heard back from our district energy team this morning and wanted to provide you with their update. They’ve discussed with both the vendor of the cooling tower directly, as well as the consultant on site (Amaresco). So far, the status is as follows:

 Things completed:
–      Measured sound level on-site
–      Analyzed the acoustical measurement data
–      Discussed the findings with cooling tower supplier
–      Reviewed the noise control proposal from the supplier

Next step:
–      To submit the updated Environmental Compliance Approval with the MOE [Ministry of Energy], in order to obtain approval to install noise control measures.

I’m waiting to be updated on the estimated time for the MOE approval. The good news is that although the timing is as yet undetermined, it looks as though the team has found a solution to the problem – of course, I will let you know as soon as I have any more information.

Therefore…for now, keep your windows closed, your earplugs in – and your fingers crossed.

4 replies on “Noise From Regent Park Community Energy Centre – Update”

Noise From Regent Park Community Energy Centre – Update

`… It began 5 years ago, and despite repeated complaints to our councillor…`
Really, did you expect some positive resolution from this source. Our experience has been dismal from the counsellor`s office for years on a number of issues.

Hi John.

Thanks for your comment (and your email – I’ve forwarded that to the board member who organised the cleanup and she’ll respond to you shortly). I’ve updated the web posting to indicate that the residents who volunteered were all from Geneva and Carlton Sts by the way – I hadn’t made that clear.

Personally, I’ve had mostly good experiences with our current councillor on a few items, but myself and others seemed to hit a brick wall on this particular concern. We were promised responses repeatedly and never got them, and it wasn’t until we personally attended the community consultation meetings about Regent Park Development Plan changes and spoke out about it that we have gotten any response. Unfortunately, after this many years of unkept promises…I’m hesitant to accept that we’ll get any relief. Fingers crossed!

Hi Emily.

Please see this updated note from May 2016.

As of yesterday, we were informed that the people at TCHC are keeping the cooling towers running at a lower speed until they can finish the necessary work of galvanizing the silencer, and they have stated that everything will be completed by June 15, 2016. Unfortunately, there isn’t anything else that seems to be possible at this point. Interestingly, I didn’t hear the noise last night and I’m in the area that normally gets the worst of it. I’ll contact you privately to find out where you are located.

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