May Focus: Tree Canopy

Focus Issues

May Focus: Tree Canopy

As you know, we recently conducted a survey to gauge which issues are of most concern to local area residents.

What we heard, loud and clear, is that you care about our tree canopy and are concerned about preserving it. 64 per cent of you are concerned about the loss of trees in Cabbagetown. This very clear majority is understandable given the recent ice storm, which wreaked havoc on trees across Toronto. We share your concern.

That’s why we’re working closely with a new non-profit organization, Cabbagetown Releaf to promote a larger, healthier urban forest through community planting, tree care, tree protection, education, and advocacy.

We are very excited to see all of the work that’s been accomplished by Cabbagetown Releaf’s Board and Steering Committee, for example in advocating for new trees in both Wellesley and Riverdale Park.

You can get involved by:
– Calling 311 if you see a tree that has been damaged or is in need of pruning.
– Protecting the critically important roots of your trees – Avoid digging, tilling or excavating near trees.
Planting a tree! It costs nothing and will add beauty to our neighbourhood and increase your property value!
Becoming a Cabbagetown ReLeaf Tree Steward – you’ll meet lots of likeminded people and help raise awareness of local urban forest issues.

The steps you take today – no matter how small – will benefit our tree canopy for years to come.

For more information on our Tree Canopy work, visit that section of our website at:

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