March Quick Poll Question


March Quick Poll Question

We’re going to start soliciting your opinion on a few topics each month. We know that we shouldn’t need to ask this question in March, but have you seen the amount of snow out there…!?

Snow Clearing Poll Results

2 replies on “March Quick Poll Question”

As I am no longer able to clear my sidewalks I am on the list for the city to do so.

Because it takes two to three days for them to clear them (usually they do not shovel – they just dump lots of salt and move on) they become a hazard and dangerous for anyone trying to use the sidewalks – me included.

With mini-snowplows readily available, I do not see why our sidewalks cannot be cleared as they are in other areas of the city

Despite promises to the contrary, this administration has cut services to our neighbourhood (e.g. weekly street cleaning is now done every two weeks … if that) so I think the least they can do is clear our sidewalks when it is needed.

Thanks for your comments.

I’ve also found it strange that “clearing” to the City means throwing large amounts of salt on the sidewalk rather than shovelling/scraping.

Interestingly, most of the responses so far to this poll have been that it’s a “community building” exercise (currently 70% of votes), and although I agree that it can be – so would shovelling the streets themselves…and no-one seems to be offering to take that task off of the city’s hands! 🙂

Neighbours on my street are very good at helping each other out, and many of us were out shovelling today for those who can’t due to ill health, age or more grudgingly…those who are on vacation somewhere sunny and warm!

But, I have to admit that my aching back wonders why other citizens in the City don’t get to enjoy the same community-building experience.

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