November 1st saw many Cabbagetown residents bringing their carved creations to the first ever Cabbagetown Pumpkin Walk at Riverdale Farm. 136 pumpkins were on display by the end of the evening, and the quality and creativity shown was inspiring.
A big thank-you to everyone who brought food items for the Daily Bread Food Bank. A special thank-you to local resident Jen Van der Weerd, who suggested the event and did much of the organising with the City and Daily Bread Food Bank.
6 replies on “Inaugural Cabbagetown Pumpkin Walk A Success”
It was a lot of fun. Thanks so much Jen. You did a great job! Thanks also to all the others that helped out. Lets keep it going every year with more and more jack-o-lanterns!!!!
Thanks Jim – we’re glad you had a good time. We’re definitely looking at doing it again next year!
Spectacular and creative.
You Cabbagetowners know how to throw an event!
Thanks very much Frank! We appreciated your photographer coming to capture the event.
Great time…! It was fun to see everyone’s pumpkins and to let the kids run off the hallowe’en candy.
We’re glad you had a good time!