Help wanted for the Cabbagetown Residents Association – Webmaster and Technology Adviser

Local Interest Missing or Wanted Persons Programs

Help wanted for the Cabbagetown Residents Association – Webmaster and Technology Adviser

Would you like to join with other Cabbagetowners by volunteering some of your time to support the neighbourhood? We are an all-volunteer organization and along with the board directors, there are a number of residents who help out during the year either at events such as the Forsythia Festival and Pumpkin Walk or on an ongoing basis on different projects.

We are currently seeking someone to take on the role of Webmaster and Technology Adviser. We use WordPress to host our website, Stripe for our integrated membership payments system and Mail Chimp for our email newsletter and membership. These systems require a moderate amount of technology knowledge to manage and we are looking for someone who is willing to post content produced by others and troubleshoot technical issues when they arise.

This volunteer role will be part of a committee of Cabbagetowners who will work together to ensure we can communicate effectively with our residents.

Please contact us at if you are interested.

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