There’s nothing like planning ahead! Cabbagetown is within a 50 km. range of the Pickering Nuclear Generating Station, therefore residents can order free Potassium Iodide (KI) pills as a precautionary measure for use in the unlikely event that there is a release of radiation (e.g. Fukushima/Chernobyl/Three Mile Island). The Darlington Nuclear Plant is further east (70 km. from Cabbagetown).
Order Potassium Iodide Pills (
From the website:
In the very unlikely event of a nuclear emergency and a release of radioactive iodine to the public, KI pills will help prevent the development of thyroid cancer, and are especially effective at safeguarding children’s thyroid glands. It is important for each household to have a supply of these pills because they are most effective if taken just before or soon after exposure to radioactive iodine.
This article details steps that the City of Toronto has taken recently relative to this issue:
Is Toronto ready for a radiation emergency? (