May 26-27 is Doors Open Toronto and there are four points of interest on this year’s tour near our part of the ‘hood: two to the east and two to the west.
Historic Don Jail and Bridgepoint Active Healthcare administration building. Yes, there will be a lineup. But it moves quickly and it is a wonderful set-up inside. Many fascinating details from the former Don Jail have been preserved in this renovation. If you haven’t been already, head over the walking bridge joining Riverdale Park West to Riverdale Park East and take a look on either Sat. May 26 or Sun. May 27, 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Building Arts Architects, 324 Broadview Avenue. Originally built in 1913 by the Standard Bank of Canada. Open Sunday only 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Finally, Jarvis Street Baptist Church at 130 Jarvis Street East (at the corner of Gerrard) is open Saturday and Sunday. In 1875, the church moved to the intersection of Jarvis and Gerrard Streets, the current location of the Gothic style building. The church survived a major fire in 1938 and was rebuilt shortly after with a unique U-shaped sanctuary. The Gothic architecture is unusual for a Baptist church.
Want to know more about Doors Open Toronto? In this case, Wikipedia says it best.
“Doors Open Toronto is an annual event when approximately 150 buildings of architectural, historic, cultural, and social significance to the city of Toronto open their doors to the public for this free citywide event.
“Doors Open Toronto was developed as a millennium project in 2000, by the City of Toronto (developed from a European model) and has since attracted more than 1.7 million residents and tourists. Doors Open Toronto gives people of all ages and backgrounds the opportunity to learn about Toronto’s history, get involved and celebrate Toronto’s built heritage.
“Doors Open Toronto was the first city in North America to launch this type of program. Many participating buildings organize guided tours, exhibits, displays, and activities to enrich the visitor experience.”