Did You Know…You Might Have To Wait At Least 5 Days Before Visiting Riverdale Farm, After Returning From Another Country

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Did You Know…You Might Have To Wait At Least 5 Days Before Visiting Riverdale Farm, After Returning From Another Country

It’s one of those questions on the customs form that is easy to overlook, but since we live so close to a real, working farm – we thought it would be a good idea to reinforce the idea that it’s better to put a few days between visits of farms in different countries.

From the CFIA’s website:

Travellers must report if they were on a farm or were exposed to animals while abroad, or if they will be going to a farm while in Canada.

After visiting farms abroad, all footwear should be cleaned and disinfected prior to returning to Canada. Clothing should also be thoroughly washed and dried at a high temperature.

Anyone who has visited a farm in a country where the health status of the animal population is unknown should not have contact with farm animals in Canada for at least five days. Travellers who have been on a farm in a country where a serious animal disease outbreak is occurring should not have contact with farm animals in Canada for a period of 14 days.

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