An item of interest to residents who have low water pressure (technically known as “low water flow”) into their properties…
There is a minimum allowable limit of 7 litres per minute of water flow into residential properties. If you think you are getting less than that (try measuring into a bucket at the lowest tap in your house for a rough estimate), then you can contact 311 to arrange a flow test. The test is conducted where the water comes into your property, so if you’ve got problems inside your house that are causing your top-floor shower to be more of a dribble…then you’ve got to sort that out yourself I’m afraid.
If the problem is on the city’s end of the pipe, then they’ll put you on a priority list (approximately 7 days).
For those residents still with lead water pipe service, but who have been unable to meet the requirements for priority lead water pipe replacement, this might end up being a legitimate shortcut to the process (but only if you have low water flow…and if the solution is to replace the pipe…and if you’re willing to pay for the private side of the lead pipe to be replaced also).
There are a few other conditions about the testing, but you can read all the details on the city’s website at: