Some unfortunate news to report from Wellesley Street East involving a vehicle break-in. The incident occurred at some point between Monday April 4 at 9 p.m. and Tuesday April 5 at 8 a.m. on Wellesley St. East, between Iroquois Lane and Laurier Avenue. The car was parked on the south side of the street, facing eastward. On the morning of April 5, the car’s passenger door was found ajar and entry seems to have been gained by jimmying open the passenger window.
Items from the glove box and arm rest compartment were strewn around the car, but no damage was done to the inside of the vehicle or seats. A little more than $20 in change, a GPS device and Ray Ban sunglasses are missing. Fortunately, other items of value were not taken.
The incident was reported to the police, but the resident kindly wished to alert neighbours.
On a positive note, the damage done to the window (it was just off the track) was repaired by the resident’s auto dealer at no charge.
If you have any information on this crime, or any other – call Toronto Police. Also, be sure to report crimes of any severity or value to the police as they monitor these reports and assign resources accordingly. If you would like to let fellow residents know also, please contact us and let us know what you would be comfortable with us sharing.
Toronto Police:
416-808-2222 for non-emergency inquiries
911 for emergencies and crimes in progress