Crime Alert: Stabbing Near Bowman Street and Sackville Place

Crime Alert

Crime Alert: Stabbing Near Bowman Street and Sackville Place

We have received reports that a stabbing took place sometime on Friday evening (October 21) between Berkeley Street/Carlton Street and Bowman Street/Sackville Place*. A man, reported to be in his 50s was earlier listed as being in critical condition but we have now heard that he has serious but non-life threatening injuries and is still in hospital. It is thought that there are at least two suspects and officers are still on the scene (October 22) trying to determine exactly when and where the incident occurred.

Investigations are ongoing. We will update this page as confirmed details become available.

Man in critical condition after Cabbagetown Stabbing (

*earlier reports placed the stabbing at Bowman Street and Sackville Place but we have now learned that the victim called police from this location but the stabbing may have taken place somewhere between Berkeley Street/Carlton Street and Bowman Street/Sackville Place.

If you have any information about this or any other matter of similar concern – call Toronto Police. Also, be sure to report crimes of any severity or value to the police as they monitor these reports and assign resources accordingly. If you would like to let fellow residents know also, please contact us and let us know what you would be comfortable with us sharing.

Toronto Police:
416-808-2222 for non-emergency inquiries
911 for emergencies and crimes in progress
Toronto Police CORE (Citizen Online Report Entry)
Toronto Police Bicycle Registration Form

how to report a crime - click for PDF

4 replies on “Crime Alert: Stabbing Near Bowman Street and Sackville Place”

Now that we know where the incident did occur, can we update this post? The address currently indicated in the headline shows where the subject lives (not where the incident happened, which is Berkeley & Carlton). Thank you

As far as I know, the exact location where the stabbing took place has not been announced and although the victim called from Bowman/Sackville, we haven’t had confirmation that they live there. The latest news we have is that the incident took place somewhere between Berkeley/Carlton and Bowman/Sackville Place, so the word “near” seems to still be accurate. If there has been any news that we’ve missed however, please do let us know.

We haven’t had any updates as to the victim’s condition, or heard anything new about the investigation to date. We are monitoring for updates of course, and we hope that the victim recovers quickly.

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