Crime Alert: Bicycle Theft Interrupted October 15

Crime Alert

Crime Alert: Bicycle Theft Interrupted October 15

A resident has written in about another bicycle theft attempt that took place this morning. Police were later contacted and will be contacting TCH about the matter.

At about 9 am this morning, Oct.15 Micheal O’Rourke caught a man who had broken in to our locked garage and was in the process of walking out with my bike and some wine bottles. Michael stopped him, took away the bike and bag of wine bottles. A TCH man was is Ishbel lane at the time and came over and talked to the man. The constable (badge # 31133) is Joel Assaly. He took down the name of the man and checked his record with TCH and found nothing and knew of no bicycle thefts that have been going on in this lane over the last 2 or 3 weeks. So he let him go and said nothing was wrong because he was stopped in the act of stealing and therefore he didn’t do any harm.

From what I’ve read above, TCH were aware and involved in the previous thefts, so it seems peculiar that this didn’t come up whrn Joel called in to his office about this.

I am concerned that this continues to go on. It sounds as if perhaps the TCH tenants are working for a bike theft organization and making a little money by bringing them stolen bikes.

Joel said if the police want to follow up with this thief, Joel will give them his name. If they want the name and coordinates for Micheal, I will give them to the police.

Thanks very much.
I appreciate your help with this. I will call the police myself if no one else.

If you have any information on this or any other matter of similar concern – call Toronto Police. Also, be sure to report crimes of any severity or value to the police as they monitor these reports and assign resources accordingly. If you would like to let fellow residents know also, please contact us and let us know what you would be comfortable with us sharing.

Toronto Police:
416-808-2222 for non-emergency inquiries
911 for emergencies and crimes in progress
Toronto Police CORE (Citizen Online Report Entry)
Toronto Police Bicycle Registration Form

how to report a crime - click for PDF

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