On Thursday June 15, please join your neighbours to celebrate 50 years of community activism in Cabbagetown! Our residents’ association began in 1967 and at our AGM we will celebrate our history, review our year, elect volunteer board directors, and socialize. All members invited: membership is $20 per household and can be bought or renewed at the door. There will be food, beverages (first one free), and cake.
Join us in the back room of Stout Irish Pub, 221 Carlton Street, from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. We will have a drink, some nibblies and take care of membership registration matters from 7 to 7:30ish.
At 7:30, we will take care of business — report on the year’s activities and finances, and members in good standing can vote on the slate of candidates for the board for the upcoming year. Nomination information is available here.
Most of the evening is a chance to visit with neighbours, share stories and enjoy complimentary snacks and a beverage. Come yourself, and bring along an interested neighbour!
If you need to pay your membership fees, you can pay online via credit card or you can pay with credit card, cheque or cash at the event. If you’re not sure of your membership status, check your last monthly email newsletter in the “About You” section or you can email us at info@cabbagetowner.com.
We look forward to seeing you there!
CRA Annual General Meeting
Thursday June 15
7 p.m. – 9 p.m.
Stout Irish Pub
221 Carlton St.