We’re certainly being given opportunities to give our views on local matters it seems. If you would like to provide some input, there are some meetings you can attend in late February and early March as well as other ways to let them know your thoughts.
From the news release:
The City of Toronto is looking for input from the public and business owners on potential changes to the City of Toronto Act and the Toronto Sign Bylaw. The proposed changes would increase the City’s ability to implement and enforce the Sign Bylaw.
At the January 8 meeting of the Planning and Growth Management Committee, staff recommended that Council request the Province to amend the City of Toronto Act so that the Toronto Sign Bylaw could apply to signs and billboards that existed prior to the current Sign Bylaw being enacted in 2010.
If approved by the Province of Ontario, the amendment to the City of Toronto Act could restore the level of authority back to similar levels that prior to 1983 existed for municipalities in Ontario, and that currently exist in other large Canadian cities such as Vancouver and Montreal.
More information is available at http://www.toronto.ca/signs