Cannabis Stores in Cabbagetown

Local Interest

Cannabis Stores in Cabbagetown

There are now four official applications to open cannabis stores in AGCO application formCabbagetown – 307 Wellesley, and 492, 439 and 433 Parliament. The application by Cana Cabana at 433 Parliament is already approved. 

There is a fifth planned location at 238 Carlton but this does not yet appear on the AGCO web site.

The CRA has reached out to the AGCO to better understand what guidelines they follow regarding store density in a given neighbourhood.


The AGCO came back to the CRA with this response:


Thank you for contacting the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario, Customer Service.

Respecting the density of cannabis retail stores in any given area, it is possible that store authorizations can be issued to locations in close proximity to each other.

Every application for a cannabis retail store authorization is considered by the Registrar in accordance with the statutory and regulatory requirements set out in the Cannabis Licence Act.

For general inquiries, please contact the AGCO online via the iAGCO online portal, or by phone at 416-326-8700 or toll-free in Ontario at 1-800-522-2876.                                     


AGCO Customer Service


Our review of the Cannabis Licence Act unearthed no rules, regulations or restrictions that could be brought to bear against the proliferation of license applications in Cabbagetown. 

However local residents who wish to file a complaint about a specific application can do so via the AGCO web site.

This document provides step by step instruction on how to do this. 


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