Jim Clark has been a resident of Cabbagetown for two years along with his wife Jenny and son Sebastian. He lives on Wellesley Street and was recently was elected to the CRA Board of Directors.
Best Place For A Bite to Eat:
Park Snacks. While not haute cuisine, Park Snacks has the best location and a patio to rival F’Amelia. I look forward to their first day open each season as a sure sign that another magical summer in Cabbagetown is near at hand. The operator is a remarkably kind, accommodating, and is reason alone for my nomination.
Favourite Block:
Carlton to Winchester and Sumach to Sackville. Riverdale Farm and Park. Tree-lined lanes and beautiful homes and gardens. No matter my destination or mood, a walk in this block inspires some sort of positivity or appreciation. Also, Park Snacks may be here, as well!
Best Public Space:
Wellesley Park. I discovered this park a number of years ago while walking my dogs. We returned almost every night as it is such a beautiful space. On one of these walks, I (and independently my wife a couple of days later) noticed a “For Sale” sign and now live close enough to consider the park a proxy backyard.
Favourite Store:
Tie. Steak and Chops and Labour of Love. Both have great staff that welcome and guide towards the ideal dish or gift no matter how vague or contradictory my “input”. Both carry a broad yet well-curated selection of goods and are local institutions for good reason.
Cabbagetown Pet Peeve:
Limited, really. If anything, I feel it is the lack of genuine discussion around areas of contention. Instead, groups or individuals (sometimes very limited in the scope of their position) attempt, and all too often succeed, in forcing their singular agenda. I realize that is the tone of the age we live in, but feel we, and I, can do better.
Best Kept Secret:
You will never have enough Hallowe’en candy to meet demand.
Best Reason to Join the CRA:
To be an active member of the community and to help add to the work of so many who have made our neighbourhood the amazing place it is. Also a great way to meet your neighbours, immediate and extended. Finally a great forum to share my views and appreciate the perspective of others.