Our friends at ReLEAF have announced the rescheduled community meeting to present the Cabbagetown Urban Forest Management Plan for Thursday February 26th at the Miles & Kelly Nadal Youth Centre (Toronto Kiwanis Boys & Girls Clubs), 101 Spruce St.
The Community Meeting will include U of T Forestry presenting the ‘Cabbagetown Urban Forest Management Plan’ and Tara Bobie, Urban Forestry, City of Toronto talking about ‘Tree Protection’.
In addition, speakers will include Eric Davies and Sadia Butt. LEAF will be taking about their ‘Backyard Tree Planting Program’ and ‘Adopt-A-Park-Tree Program’.
Eventbrite FREE tickets available at: http://bit.ly/1Dl8Ee9
Sponsors for the evening include:
Cabbagetown Preservation Association
Cabbagetown Residents Association
Cabbagetown South Residents Association
Nick & Hilary