Cabbagetown South Residents’ Association Green Bin Survey

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Cabbagetown South Residents’ Association Green Bin Survey

Our friends at the Cabbagetown South Residents’ Association recently conducted a poll among members on the new City of Toronto green bins that are expected to be distributed this year. Areas of Cabbagetown South were part of a pilot to see how residents found the new bins. Here is their letter to Councillor McConnell and a link to the poll results. We conducted a poll ourselves last year if you will recall.

If you have thoughts on the matter, please leave them in the comment section below.

From the Cabbagetown South website:

Thanks to everyone that took the time to answer our survey questions. It is clear that many people are dedicated to reducing the amount of garbage going to landfill and want to do the right thing regarding sorting out green waste and recycling. Many residents go to great lengths to store their bins out of sight or use the smallest bin available. Neighbours have built custom storage units for their present sized bins and some will find the larger green bin does not fit. Other neighbours store their present bin out of sight and bring it through the house on the morning of pick up.Others actually haul their bins via the laneway from the back of their property to the curb fronting their house.

A heavier and bigger bin will be problematic for many.

Many store their bins on their front porch or front garden as they see no other alternative. We need alternatives. To see the results of the survey please click here. We are in the process of putting together a report for Councillor McConnell and Solid Waste Management in hopes of coming up with household friendly solutions to bins.

New Green Bins Survey

May 30, 2017

Dear Councilor Pam McConnell,

As you may be aware, Solid Waste Management is in the final stages of delivering the new and larger green bin to residential properties in the City of Toronto. It is our understanding that the new bins will be rolled out in the later part of this summer. In preparation for the roll out we have surveyed area residents to determine if they are aware of the new larger bin and how the larger bin might be problematic for many area residents

We have determined many area households consist of couples and single people who do not generate the volume of green bin food waste that Solid Waste Management has determined as average when they designed the new green bin.

The bins chosen by SWM is a suburban family sized solution that does not work in all small family homes on small inner city lots, row housing, stacked townhouses, duplexes, triplexes etc..

We need household friendly options to continue in diverting household waste from landfill.

30% of residents surveyed advised they will no longer participate in the Green Bin Program if the larger bin is their only option.

46% of those surveyed store their green bin in their basements, garage or in a backyard storage area and bring their green bin through their house on pick up day. They are dealing with stairs and other obstacles that the heavier and larger bin would make impossible to navigate.

87% of residents surveyed asked to keep the current Green Bin. Solid Waste needs to allow those with issues to keep their present smaller green bin. We need real options. To date SWM has indicated that the larger bin is the only solution on offer.

SWM suggest neighbours share a bin which in some instances could work but likely means that one neighbour will have to keep the green bin near their front door or in their front garden so their neighbour can access it. This is not a solution.

The residents are not storing their bins near their front door for the convenience, but due to the lack of other options. We encourage everyone to create welcoming front gardens and porches.

Possible Solutions

When the new recycling and garbage bins were rolled out you were able to come up with the bags and tags solution. A green bag option may work depending when the green materials are put at the curb. The night before will not work as raccoons will quickly tear things open. If we are given the option to bag their green bin material there needs to be a requirement that the green bag goes out early morning.
Allowing folks to keep the current smaller bin if they agree not to put the bin out overnight when raccoons are on the prowl.
A smaller bin with a raccoon proof mechanism for those who put out their green bin the morning of pick up could continue to use the old green bin.
For CSRA Green Bin Survey results please click here

Please we need your help to find a solution.

Thank you,

Cabbagetown South Residents Board

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