Our friends at the Cabbagetown Regent Park Museum (CRPM) are looking for volunteers to help them at the 3 locations they’ll be at during the upcoming Cabbagetown Festival. If you can help out, contact them at: crpmuseum.volunteer@gmail.com
Here are some details:
The Cabbbagetown Regent Park Museum (CPRM) has three locations at the Cabbagetown Festival the weekend of September 12 and 13 and it would be greatly appreciated if you could lend a hand in staffing them this year.
The three sites for the Museum this year:
1. The CPRM Tent in Riverdale Park
2. A booth on the east side of Parliament Street south of Winchester
3. The Museum Room in the Simpson House at Riverdale Farm
The time slots are:
1. For the Tent:
10 – 1
1 – 4
4 – 7
10 – 1
1 – 4
If you are able bodied, help is needed Friday beginning at 6 PM to assemble the tent and deliver tables and chairs to the Tent and booth.
2. For the Parliament Street booth:
10 – 1
1 – 4
4 – 7
7 – 10
10 – 1
1 – 4
3. For the Simpson House.
If you have an interest in the museum, please consider lending a hand and contact Conrad, volunteer director at crpmuseum.volunteer@gmail.com
On behalf of the Cabbagetown regent Park Museum, thank you!