Cabbagetown according to…Sam Richardson

Cabbagetown According To...

Cabbagetown according to…Sam Richardson

Sam Richardson

In this month’s Cabbagetown According To... feature, we have the views of frequent mover of homes within the neighbourhood and Cabbagetown Residents Association Board Director Sam Richardson.


Best place in Cabbagetown for a bite to eat...
Kingyo. The food is delicious and the atmosphere is lively and fun.

Cabbagetown needs...
A pool table. I love playing pool!

Favourite block...
Wellesley east of Sumach. There are beautiful houses that are right on the park.

Best public space...
The Riverdale Farm. It doesn't matter what time of year, there is always something going on.

Favourite store...
Menagerie. We don't have a pet, but I love taking the kids there to look at the animals and buy treats for our friends with dogs.

Cabbagetown pet peeve...
The many people that don't pick up after their dogs.

Cabbagetown's best kept secret...
The burgers at St. James Town Steak & Chops are incredible.

Best reason to join the Cabbagetown Residents Association (CRA)...
Getting to know people who love living in Cabbagetown as much as I do.


2 replies on “Cabbagetown according to…Sam Richardson”

As a responsible dog owner who ALWAYS picks up after my dogs, my Pet Peeve is the “many” people who park their bicycles on their fence rather than taking them around to their backyard/garage where they will not be a blight on our lovely heritage streetscapes!

Thanks for being responsible with your dogs – we appreciate it! I hadn’t heard of problems with bicycles being locked to fences previously, but will keep an eye out for it. Thanks for writing in!

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