Des Ryan, a retired police officer and a board director with the CRA, contributes occasional safety and security updates.
Living in Cabbagetown is like living in a village in downtown Toronto: we have the good fortune of a strong community with good neighbours and excellent shops and services right in our own backyards.
However, recently there have been a number of shootings just south of our boundaries (on the south side of Gerrard Street, in Regent Park) that have shaken many up. In response to those events, and in keeping with our mandate to try to keep our neighbourhood safe, I as a director of the Cabbagetown Residents’ Association met with Inspector Peter Code of Toronto Police 51 Division.
Inspector Code spent over an hour listening to our concerns, discussing the plans he has implemented and will continue to develop in response to those concerns, and emphasizing the commitment he, Superintendent Tony Riviera, and the officers of 51 Division have to maintaining public safety and good relations with our neighbourhood and the communities that surround us.
As well as implementing a strong team of investigators, Inspector Code stated that there is and will continue to be an increased police presence in the area of the shootings that includes more patrols and a strong complement of officers on foot.
Any and all information anyone may have would be greatly appreciated. Please call 416 808-5100 or 416 808 8477 (Crime Stoppers) to report anonymously.
On October 23, the Cabbagetown Residents Association will be sponsoring a Safety Walkabout in which our community can participate. Two officers from 51 Division will be with us to hear our concerns and provide feedback. Inspector Code will have the information shared at the walkabout collated to develop an ongoing comprehensive plan to address our concerns that he will then share with the CRA board. This information will, in turn, be shared with the community.
Finally, Inspector Code asked if he could attend one of the Cabbagetown Residents Association board of directors meetings to speak on his own behalf and give the directors an opportunity to put a face to a name. He is very interested in getting involved with our community and will be keeping us updated on any developments on issues pertaining to us and the neighbouring communities to provide a holistic view of what is going on in and around Cabbagetown.