Our friends at Cabbagetown ReLEAF and LEAF are conducting a Tree Tour through the neighbourhood on June 1st. Many of you have let us know how important the Tree Canopy is to you, and this would be a great way to get to know it more intimately.
Here are the details:
Sunday, June 1, 2014 – 12:00p.m. – 2:00p.m.
Cost: $5 suggested donation
Registration Recommended
Meet at southeast corner of Sumach Street and Winchester Street
The neighbourhood of Cabbagetown has many stories to tell, and its urban forest is no exception. Join us to explore the tremendous diversity of trees along the streets and in the parks of the neighbourhood, from stately oaks and flowering magnolias to rugged forests growing on ravine slopes. Meet an old Kentucky coffeetree, and an enormous white ash tree that hopes to survive the Emerald Ash Borer. This Tree Tour will wind through some of Cabbagetown’s quiet residential streets and parks, through Riverdale Farm and along the edge the Lower Don Valley.
James Steenberg, Cabbagetown ReLEAF
Melissa Williams, LEAF