Many thanks to all the residents who attended the 2014 Annual General Meeting on June 11th. It was great to see so many familiar faces as well as a lot of new ones.
CRA President Steve de Blois presented our 2013/2014 Highlights, CRA Treasurer Rod Carr-Harris let us know how we are doing financially, and we appointed two new directors to join us (James Wood and Phil Frei).
We then enjoyed beer and frites while playing the “Cabbagetown Bingo Game” where attendees met others while trying to determine who has “lived in Cabbagetown for 30+ years”, “a view of the CN Tower from their home” or “voted for Rob Ford” among other intriguing questions. The grand prize winner of the game was Kelley Teahen, shown here with her prize…the Cabbagetown Flag. Well done Kelley!

Thank you again for participating in your community.